How do you handle your patchy beard ?

  1. In what sense? if you’re asking how to get it to grow in fuller not much you can do. Its all pretty much genetics, give it time to grow and fill in. Time is really the only solution

  2. When I’m trying to look my best, I’ll work a little brown eye shadow into my beard. When the skin color underneath matches the hair color, it blends right in and makes it look fuller. But it depends on how patchy your beard is.

  3. I’m kinda ok with it but it genuinely looks bad. Also, I’ve tried once to clean shave and it was awful, looking 10 years younger and not recognizing myself in the mirror x)

  4. Rock a good van dyke or something. Your beard hair will get thicker as you progress throughout your 20s

  5. Consider getting one of those beard brushes that you can use to stimulate the skin. I was surprised that beard balm also made it seem to fill in better. Maybe it was all placebo but I really had to let mine grow more than a month before it filled in and looked like a real beard and then there were still times it didn’t look good until a 2 months had passed. Just keep it trimmed and brushed to see if you can get there.

  6. Other than just.. letting it grow, there’s nothing you can do. All the balms, lotions and brushes in the world can’t overcome genetics

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