Has anyone here held off on asking someone out until they were in a better position in the future such as looking in better shape (weight loss ) or being more independent (moving out). ? And did you think it was the right choice to delay asking someone out when you had a “few more strings to your bow” if that makes sense ?

From my own personal perspective there is a girl I really want to ask out as we get on well in person and seem to have a good match personality wise but I feel I would increase my chances and be more confident in myself if I lost a bit of weight and finally moved out of my family home. ( 29M for the record ) .

I feel these two factors can be quite important in dating and as much as I am dying to ask her out ASAP i recon 6 months would be better for me to get myself in a better position and increase my chances ! Or is it worth asking her out now and hoping these two things aren’t deal breakers

  1. What if she is in a relationship in 6 months? If she doesn’t like you for you, it’s not right anyways. You can continue to grow and improve while in a relationship as well. That kind of is the point, to navigate life together and grow together.

  2. Honestly nobody’s perfect and we’re all in different stages in life, where you are today is not where you’ll be tomorrow. Take the chance now before it’s too late.

  3. Don’t wait. Maybe you can mention your goals and she can help you get there.

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