What’s your best drunk experience?

  1. Making oven pizzas at 4am with my friend group while one is making animal screeches from alcohol poisoning… ahhhh good times

  2. Drank half a bottle of Jäegermeister and listened to Brahms’s 3rd Piano Sonata in the park. Absolutely exquisite

  3. I once slept on a park bench in a strange city I’d never been too before after a night out following my friend doing a vanishing act.

    Fun times

  4. It’s not really a specific experience in particular, however I don’t know why but whenever I drink I become rather popular with women.

    It’s like my confidence gets a rocket up the ass and my shyness melts away. So now instead of an, awkward, weirdo talking to them, they just have a depressed weirdo talking to them.

    Being drunk is cool.

  5. Me and my buddies made a banger song with our voices, hitting things on beat, humming and shouting “whoop” and it was bliss.

    In all reality it probably sounded like a circle jerk was goin on.

  6. Happened in Russia, back before Russia became the international pariah it is now.

    I was warned about drinking with Russians, because they *can and will* out-drink you, but they’ll make you keep up with them right up until the point where you just can’t anymore. Turns out that’s true.

    I have pretty clear memories of sitting down at a table with three Russians and a bottle of vodka. I have very fuzzy, fragmented memories of the same three Russians half-carrying me to my hotel (which was only about a block away), laughing their asses off.

    I woke up the next morning with no injuries and the correct amount of cash in my pocket, so all’s well that ends well.

  7. I don’t get really drunk that often but I remember one morning when I woke up alone (we’d been going out with a group of five) on the bottom of a dyke (high things to keep the river from overflowing). I fell asleep while biking home and just slid down and spend the night there

  8. Made jugs of our own booze in high school, one party night at the beach I drank a whole jug and had a blast.

  9. Waking up after getting wasted at my senior prom with zero hangover whatsoever. Never before and never again has that happened.

  10. The 3 day weekend I decided I wasn’t going to be sober for a moment of it. Went to the store and got everything I needed(whiskey, mixers, food, etc.) and the second I got back to my apartment the first bottle was opened. Was just me and my dog that whole weekend and it was glorious.

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