I’m really new to this online dating thing so please bear with me. I went on a first date with this guy [25m] a few days ago. It was great, he seemed interested. We’ve even started talking about a second date. But we’re both out of town for the 4th so no concrete plans have been made. We’ve been texting and the conversation has been going for a bit. But his latest texts have been statements that i cant really reply to. Should i take this as a sign he’s not interested? Or should i try to ask him more questions and how many more questions do i ask before i take the hint?

1 comment
  1. Match energy. If he’s pulling back and not being engaging in a conversation, then pull back too. U certainly shouldnt have to drag a conversation out of him. If so, he is not worth it. There should be equal participation in conversation. And as a girl, i particularly like the guy to be a bit more of a pursuer. But that’s just me

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