We met just this year through an exchange program we were both part of and we clicked pretty immediately. One of the first few times we met in person (we were placed in different parts of the country) we shared a room for a few days and it worked out so well. We finally got to talk a lot and I felt safer and more comfortable with him than I have ever felt with anyone in my life (except for maybe my friend in elementary school.) I visited him once, which didn’t work so well since he was really busy at that time, and then got to see him again when our program ended and we shared a room again for a couple days. All of the time I got to spend with him was absolutely incredible and I can’t emphasize enough how much I love him. Being around him I feel like I can get through anything and I want nothing more than to go on adventures with him and be lifelong friends.

the only problem is, we live very far away from each other and he is incredibly bad at communicating. He will consistently take days to respond to texts, and while I was visiting him he would not show up when we planned to meet and then text me hours later telling me something came up. That was a really stressful week for him so I don’t really blame him for not being able to keep plans, but he just consistently forgets to contact me. In between the times we got to see each other in person I ended up being convinced that he was mad at me for something just because of how much of a struggle it was to get a response. But every time we saw each other again, everything was perfect and nothing had changed at all with our friendship and I couldn’t be mad at him. We’ve talked and I know that he’s like this with everyone and is trying to work on it. He’s also said that calling works better for him than texting so I’ve been trying to do that, but it’s still hard because you usually have to text to let someone know you’re going to call.

We probably aren’t going to see each other for a while and I’m just really afraid to lose contact with him because I’ve never had anyone I felt so at home with. I’m afraid any plans we do try to make to see each other again are going to fall through because I won’t be able to talk to him often enough.

tl;dr: I have a very good friend who I’m afraid to lose contact with because he is bad at texting.

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