So how would you go about telling a date from tinder that you want to wait till marriage, especially when the person already started hinting at what they’re gonna do on the first date? I mean I can’t wait till it’s too late to tell him, but idk how I should word it to not sound so much like a so called “prude”.
So we’re talking on snap and he asks me if I’m “shy” and which I said I am, then he says “don’t be to shy for our first date when I kiss u”, then after I reply he was like “I’ll tell u the rest of the details later of what we would do on our date”. and when I replied “like how so” he than said he “can’t spoil the fun now” and other than that just small talk and flirting between us (we’re from same school but don’t personally know each other).

The thing is I really like this guy a lot but i can tell he defo wants sex from me, meanwhile I believe in taking things slow and waiting till marriage for personal reasons and my morals. I will have to tell him at some point before we actually meet up if at all, so that he doesn’t start doing stuff and it’s too late to tell him to stop. But I’m afraid that my difference in beliefs will be off putting and make him stop talking to me, and that I lose out on something that could be good if we would get to know each other more. Cuz otherwise he would be the perfect guy with good personality and ambitious and everything a girl could ask for.


  1. Just tell him right away . Directly. Waiting for marriage is the best ! you are PRECIOUS girl . God bless!

  2. I’m not sure if I missed it but you should put that in your profile so the guy knows from the beginning you’re waiting on marriage. I’ve been celibate myself and it got too difficult to have that conversation when I was dating. All the men respected my choice and didn’t try to force things, but a significant number said they wished they had known before because they were actively looking to have sex in their relationships. The majority of the men ghosted or ended things shortly after. So, just put it on your profile. I’m not gonna lie: fewer dudes will respond but there’ll be guys who will still swipe right.

  3. I’d say tell them as soon as you know you are interested in talking/dating. I think you really can’t date this guy specifically if he’s saying he’ll kiss you on a first date (which is a bit weird anyways, so many people have oral herpes and don’t even know it because they don’t test).

  4. Tell them straight away, probably before the first date so you both don’t waste time if it’s an issue

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