I’ve been trying to figure out these strong independent woman types.

What is it that gets you attracted to men? What do you you hope for when you refuse to date?

  1. Everyone is different.

    I like affirmation though. Being independent and strong all the time is *tiring.* it’s nice to have someone to kinda lean on, but not lean on bc co-dependency isn’t good. So, kind words and cudds.

    Everyone is different though.

  2. I think a man who is genuine and happy with his own life and being himself. I want someone who can add to my life and inspire me/bring me joy.

  3. I wanted a partner who balanced me. I didn’t want someone who was going to waste my time. I knew I wanted serious and we had big conversations early. We were both in our 30s so it was easier than when I was in my 20s. I also wanted someone who knew what he wanted out of life so we could decide if we were compatible.

    I was financially stable – good job, savings, owned a house – so needed someone to match that energy. Someone who wanted to do things, but also had their own interests. Bonuses I got with my now husband include good cook and he is the “caretaker” role for me more than I am for him. I have a more stressful job and am high strung. His job is low stress and he’s calmer so he can handle me when I’m having a day and does it without making me feel guilty about it.

    If I refused a date with someone I wanted them to take the no and move on.

  4. I’d say as a VERY independent woman and having had my life hijacked by a man before, I’m pretty sure most men out there who might be eligible in my age bracket are not likely to add a lot to my life. Sounds selfish but really it’s just simple – it’s like ” what issues is this guy gonna have that’s gonna make my life harder ?”… Because a healthy relationship ideally just makes it a little easier.

  5. Just be fun and loving. Being independent and taking care of your issues can be exhausting so being cuddled when wanted and having someone to relax with and unwind is really important.

  6. I think it comes down to one simple fact. I am at peace and not looking to bring anyone into my life that will disrupt my peace. That’s it, that’s all I want.

  7. Romantic relationship should feel like a team where we can rely with each other. I want someone who is honest, reliable, kind and communicate well in my team. Chivalry and kindness is super duper attractive.

  8. I’m attracted to men that don’t think women are all alike. I hope to find a man who can see I’m an individual and wants to figure me out and not all of womankind.

    I like humor and intelligence. Fun.

  9. I’m really confused at these “independent” women who want “relationships”….those are contradictory ideals.

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