Along with boot shaped Italy the Mediterranean is seen as duck shaped here in America.
If not what do y’all see; if anything?
(This may be a stupid question but I have no idea. I had the thought and got a bug about it in my head. Figured I should ask the experts!)

  1. Boot shaped Italy yes, duck shaped Mediterranean, rather no, atleast never heard of it

  2. Never heard of that but I have just looked at a map and indeed it has the shape of some bird, especially the head and the wings

  3. Italy shaped like a boot, sure. Mediterranean as a duck though? Never heard of it before.

  4. Never heard of the Med shaped as a duck, neither in Greece nor in the US, nor when I lived in France.

  5. > Mediterranean is seen as duck shaped here in America.

    That’s a new one on me, and I’m pretty sure most Italians feel the same. The only other name by which the Mediterranean sea has ever been known over here is *mare nostrum* (“our sea”), used by the Romans and later revived by fascists.

    The Italian peninsula being shaped like a boot is common knowledge, as you can imagine.

  6. I think I’ve heard it before from some Americans, however it’s not a common expression in Denmark.

  7. As an American, I have to disagree. It’s not seen as a duck. That’s just you.

  8. Never heard someone compare it to a duck, but looking at it now it’s clearly a seadragon (as in the seahorse relative, not the mythological beast).

  9. I never heard about the duck but my geography teacher told as that Croatia looks like a pair of pants on the map. Not sure if it really look similar but I still remember it and use it

  10. Italy shaped like a boot – yes. But I have never heard that mediteranean is shaped like a duck.

    By the way, my country (Slovenia) is said to be shaped like a chicken.

  11. Boot shaped Italy, fish shaped Romania, dragon shaped Croatia and Iceland, Siren shaped Baltic Sea.

    Never heard about Mediterranean being seen as a duck.

    Bonus: dick & balls shaped Sweden+Finland (sorry guys)

  12. No, not a all, sorry. No analogy at all with the Mediterranean sea.

    I’m looking at a picture of it and find it difficult to see a duck it there. Do you have any drawing of the duck in it?

  13. I don’t wanna know what kind of demented looking ducks the US has if the Med looks like one to you lot…

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