Ok, the title sounds bad but hear me out…

I (18F) have been dating this (20M) for 2 months, when we finally get a place it will be 3 months. We met at my old job. The relationship is wonderful. Recently I was placed in a shelter for women due to my own personal reasons. (Not due to my boyfriend!)

Rent is very hard to get in my area and expensive. I know I would struggle living on my own because I would fear for my abuser finding me. I can not live with any friends because they are either leaving for college or can not leave for other reasons. The thought of a random person staying with me also is scary. So I suggested to my boyfriend we live together. He was happy with the request and said he would give 2 weeks a try before finalizing it and moving in.

However, I am unsure what I should do or if this is even the correct sub Reddit to ask but I am really stuck right now. I do not want to rush into this relationship but I do not think I have any other choice. Am I making the right decision? What can I do instead?

(I posted on relationship advice sub but did not receive much feedback. I am hoping by posting it here I will receive more.)

TL;DR: I am wanting to live with BF of 3 months due to lack of housing and past abused situation. Is the decision right?

  1. No, please don’t move in with him. I know rents are tough, but you barely know this man. I don’t think I care for how readily he agreed to co-habituate: he barely knows you either, you see.

    I know random roommates can be skeevy, but maybe you could meet friends of your friends or something to set up with?

  2. If you feel the need for your own safety and only choice, it would be a good call if parents are a part of your situation. Instead of thinking of living with your boyfriend, it would be more of like roommates since it is so early in the relationship. Sweet of him to help out though

  3. Is it possible for you to rent a room in someone’s house? Moving in with a lover only because it makes sense financially is not the move to make.

  4. Horrible idea. I know you don’t have a lot of options now but this won’t end well either.

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