So I dated this guy for about a couple months (end of February-end of May 2021). We broke up because of fundamental differences (one of them being differing religious views), he didn’t have a good relationship with his parents (which is something I value), we were at two different stages in our lives (he was divorced and had kid (which I didn’t mind as much) that his ex-wife had custody of in Texas), and he was moving out of his own place to move in with a female friend (who he said there was no romantic interest between), and the place he was moving into was further distance and timewise from my place and my work (I would stay over at his place sometimes go from there to work in the morning).

He reached out through text 9 days after we broke up asking how my weekend was. That led to us texting back forth the next five days, but just platonic conversation and asking when he could come pick up his things which were marginal (a pair of bullfight glasses and a fork/spoon). He never ended up coming to get them.

Two weeks after that he reaches back out, again just through text. He asks how I’m doing and what I am going to do with my summer since school was out. We text back and forth for 5 more days. Again, just platonic conversation.

A week later he reaches out over text to ask what’s up. I replied and then that was it . . . until the next month.

The next month (end of July 2021) he asks, over text, if I would want to hang out. I just recently started seeing my current boyfriend for two weeks. I had a bridal tea event in New Jersey and I was going to my boyfriend’s family reunion. So I was legitimately busy. My ex asked if I was free, would I hang out. I didn’t respond.

I hear back from in November, we talk a couple days, and then again in February 2022 for my birthday and I wish him a happy birthday (both our birthdays are in February). We text on and off through the end of February and the beginning of March.

I know all this because, apparently, I never deleted our texting history.

The most recent time I heard from him through text is Tuesday. He is in the army and he told me is going to Korea for 2 years in January. We have been catching up with each other through text and he asked me again if I want to hang out this weekend to catch up. We didn’t break up on bad terms. I have no intentions of getting back with him (we broke up for a reason), I have no romantic feelings towards him, he is going to Korea at the beginning of next year, and I am currently in a relationship. Even if I was single, I would not have any intentions of getting back with him. I have no feelings towards him. I was never a firm believer in ex’s can be friends. In fact, the first time I tried that in college, the guy ended up writing me a nasty note on Facebook, then apologized, but by that time I was still like nope.

I am busy this weekend, but is it ok to plan a meet up to catch up with an ex as a friend?

Tl/dr: A guy I dated for a couple months has been keeping in touch since we broke up. We broke up for fundamental reasons. where we were in our lives, and current things changing in his life. Our breakup was not bad. All our communication has been through text and purely platonic. He asked if I wanted to hang out to catch up two months after we broke up. I was busy and when he asked if I would if I was free I didn’t respond. He reached back out around my birthday and has continued to keep in touch. He is in the army and told me he is going to Korea in January. He asked if I wanted to meet up this weekend to catch up. I can’t because I am busy, but should I plan to meet up and catch up with him as a friend? I have no intentions of getting back with him (we broke up for a reason), I have no romantic feelings towards him, he is going to Korea at the beginning of next year, and I am currently in a relationship. Even if I was single, I would not have any intentions of getting back with him. I have no feelings towards him.

1 comment
  1. If you want to meet him, go for it. Just make it painstakingly clear *to him* that it is solely as friends and he should have no expectations of any kind.

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