We’ve been together for 25 years and this habit started maybe 3 years ago. Every night he goes to sleep watching videos or listening to speeches. The content is always either political or religious. It drives me batty. I bought him the headband earphones that are comfortable to sleep on, but he refuses to wear them. One day he said if I charge them and basically put them on his head for him at night, he’ll wear them, but it’s a damn lie, I’ve literally done that for him before and he just yells at me when I try to do it.
I ask him every night to turn it down to 50%, and sometimes he does, but some nights, like tonight he yells and me and says deal with it or sleep somewhere else. I wear earphones to sleep every night because I can’t stand to hear people arguing and yelling in the intense speeches and talk shows he listens to. wtf kind of person does this to their spouse every damn night???

I guess I’m just venting because I’m not looking to leave him over it bit I’m so f#$%ing done with his asshat behaviour.

  1. Sometimes petty behavior deserves to be met with other petty behavior. If he’s so darn content with this annoying foolishness at night then you should start being annoying early in the mornings or whenever. It doesn’t seem talking or anything else will get through to him.

  2. What device is he using to watch this stuff?

    Can you set the wifi router to turn off at a set time?

  3. If my husband told me to go sleep elsewhere I would

    I’d pack my shit and head to the nicest hotel and sleep there in peace.

    The above is why my husband would never say something like that to me though cos I would take it 💯 serious and he can watch his stupid videos whenever and however loud he wants cos he’d be single.

  4. That’s just completely inconsiderate. I’d kick his butt out to couch!

    Straight up just completely rude behavior, and so not called for.

  5. Maybe discuss removing the TV from the bedroom entirely. It’s actually terrible for everyone’s sleep and he can watch stuff in the living room then come to bed when he’s ready for sleep.

  6. Who does this to their spouses? An inconsiderate disrespectful turd. Kick his bootie out of the bedroom. He can sleep on the couch with his precious videos.

  7. I have a hard time believing someone that inconsiderate doesn’t engage in other so-called “asshat behaviors”.

  8. This post is brought to you by a married couple, who have been together since WW 2.

  9. > I guess I’m just venting because I’m not looking to leave him over it bit I’m so f#$%ing done with his asshat behaviour.

    No, you’re not. If you were done there would be consequences.

  10. Get separate bedrooms, seriously, *if you can*. I realize that’s a luxury. My husband and I have our own bedrooms and bathrooms. However, when we’re on road trip (in fact, we’re on one now) we, of course, sleep in the same room. I’m up because I couldn’t sleep and I am legit out at a table at the top of the stairwell here at the hotel in Idaho Falls, ID because I don’t want to wake up my husband. I hope he drives to our next destination today. 😭

    Your husband is being inconsiderate. If possible, move to your own bedroom. If he complains, welp, those are the consequences of his actions.

  11. Loud TV, music, etc is very triggering for me. I haven’t figured out why. But hubs prefers everything loud.

    “Please turn it down” is a phrase I’ve spoken pretty much every day for the last few years.

    It’s total disrespect.

    But, when I read the widowers board, I realize that one day I might miss saying that. Or miss hearing his music. And I strive to be a bit more tolerant.

    I also realize I’m not perfect either, and I probably bug him in certain ways, yet he rarely complains.

    You don’t have to stay in the same room as he is. You can leave the room. Think about the end game. Choose your battles.

  12. I fall asleep with one airpod in every night for my husband. Also, I want a headband earphone now!!

  13. Wtf kind of person does this to their spouse? If it were in my house, that guy would have the kind of wife who would suddenly start looovvvviiinnnggg opera to wake me up in the morning…. something about listening to it full volume at 5 am really gets the blood flowing!

    What’s fair is fair.

  14. I couldn’t imagine being that disrespectful to a complete stranger let alone my spouse.

  15. Sleeping is best done in bed. Watching tv and videos is best done elsewhere, such as the living room. Otherwise = terrible sleep. He needs to move his video viewing to an appropriate place. However, since he won’t even inconvenience himself with headphones I doubt he will do this.

    Set up a very comfortable second bedroom for yourself. Get a sheet set you love. Get candles. Get nice things to make it soothing and comfortable for a quiet night’s rest. Permanently move to that bedroom.

    You are likely serious sleep deprived and are going to feel so much better in a couple days.

  16. Just wondering when he last had his hearing tested. He may just not hear how loud it really is.

  17. Increased anger and disrespect while watching political and religious videos regularly? Your problem may be deeper than a sleep distraction. Is your husband becoming radicalized?

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