Ive been going out with this girl, we’ll call her Michelle, since January, but we’ve only been official since May.

We are both incredibly shy with each other, we didn’t have our first kiss until the very end of April, but lately we’ve been spending a lot more time together and becoming more intimate.

We talk every day and meet up during the week and over weekends and she invited me to go on holiday with her next month. It’s been my first real relationship due to anxiety and depression issues which I’m finally out the other side of (before meeting her, I should add).

I found it hard at first letting someone in and trying the whole dating thing, but lately I can’t stop thinking about all the times we are together, whenever I have a quiet moment she’s what I think about. She’s so kind and thoughtful and caring to me and I feel so safe when I’m with her. My favourite thing is when I get to curl up with her in bed and I fall asleep while we cuddle. Ive never had that before and it makes me feel safe in a way I’ve never felt before.

And I keep thinking about how she makes me feel and looking forward to when i can see her next and I just get this overwhelming feeling that I love her. Sometimes when I’m with her I have to fight with myself to not just blurt it out.

I’m just scared she doesn’t feel the same way and it scares her off…. I also have never told anyone I love them (in a romantic sense) before. I don’t know how to bring it up and I don’t want to make things awkward if it isn’t the right time. Help please????

**tl;dr**: We’ve been dating since Jan, official since May, is it too soon to say “I love you” and how do I go about doing it if it’s not?

  1. > She’s so kind and thoughtful and caring to me and I feel so safe when I’m with her.

    So why not say all that stuff to her?

    You say it’s your first relationship, so I’ll let you know that every single relationship feels like this at the beginning, and should – it’s that honeymoon period everyone mentions.

    It takes some practicality to assess if you are just feeling the hormones and some infatuation or if it is real love, it might be, but know that you don’t have a lot of experience in this area and this is just why there’s so much drama around relationships and such.

    It is a bit soon considering you’ve only been official for two months, but if you feel you want to say it and don’t care if she reciprocates then go nuts, but remember in relationships that you will rarely regret moving slowly but can easily cause problems moving too quickly.

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