I 18(M) want to get a matching tattoo(upper thigh so it’s not visible as much) with all 10 of my friends which I have been friends with about 13 years but I am worried that my 18(F) girlfriend of 4 years is not going to let me get it.
P.S. I do want to get the tattoo.

  1. She can’t not let you get it. You are 18. Best advice would to think long and hard and if you still want it and don’t think you’ll regret it in 5,10,20 years- get it. Remember you may not be friends with these boys forever.

  2. It’s your choice guy. She doesn’t technically get a say. Sure, it would be nice if she’d be on board, but it’s your choice

  3. Isn’t this tattoo going on your body? Is it going somewhere weird like on your face?

    Don’t live with regrets. She may not be around in a few years.

  4. First off, no one has to “let you” do whatever body modification you want. Don’t give anyone that power.

    2nd off, All of my high school friends are no longer my friends for various reasons barring one, and we’ve been friends for 30 years this year. We met when I was 6 and she was 4. She’s the only person I’d get a tattoo with.

  5. It’s your body. Her rights to her beliefs and preferences end where your body begins.

    You want that tattoo? Get the tattoo, provided it’s not something extremely stupid (I’m guessing it is not).

    I love the tattoo I got when I turned 18. Would I get it again? Not now, lol. But I’m so glad I have it. I hope you’ll feel the same about yours.

    If she doesn’t like it, she’ll get over it or she won’t. But you have a right to do what you like with your body – you’re not harming yourself or anyone else.

  6. She doesn’t have to let you do anything. As far as the tattoo, I think it’s a great way to honor those long friendships. I’m not friends with any of my childhood friends anymore, but those are still special relationships because we grew up together. So I’d pay no mind to the people saying you shouldn’t get it in case you drift apart.

  7. Well, everyone else said what I was thinking in regards to your girlfriend not having a say in this. It’s your choice and if she were to get genuinely upset about it to the point of causing a strain on the relationship then that is a sign for you. On the other hand, when it comes to the tattoo itself, I see a lot of people (as expected) saying to be careful because you might not be friends with these guys forever etc etc. I personally completely disagree so I thought I’d add my two cents. My best advice would be to make sure that the tattoo is something you like EVEN on it’s own, disregarding the fact that it’s meant to go with the group. So what if you’re not friends with them in a few years? It’s a memory of them no matter what, even if you all were to go your separate ways. And if that were to happen, at least you have a tattoo you still like (assuming you took my first part of advice lol).

  8. It’s your choice not hers. If you want it, get it. I got a matching tattoo with my two best friends when we were 18 and we hadn’t been friends nearly as long as you and your friends. Never regretted it for a second and it’s been 10 years.

  9. So, just to be clear, you want to be permanently marked up and your excuse for not doing it is that your GF “won’t let you”. I think that’s your answer right there. You aren’t ready to make a decision so you are relying on someone else to make it.

  10. She doesn’t have a say but think hard about this. There’s a, I don’t want to say myth but I can’t get the correct word now, between tattoo artists that once you get matching tattoos with someone, you’ve doomed the relationship.

    So never get your SO name or picture because then you’ll break up. Don’t get matching tattoos with friends because you will have a falling out and hate each other, etc.

    But it’s your choice

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