So today my(39/m) girlfriend (34/f) dropped a bomb shell saying we spend too much time together. Some back story she had to get two jobs and lost her vehicle. We were about two months in at this point and I wanted to help her out. Her kids live in a different city and again I knew it hurt her so I again help her out to go grab them and bring them back with her. There is only two days a week where I don’t have to do anything for her and she asked for a day her self which is opposite of the day I need to myself. So the only days I get to see her are days I have to do things for her. The only days I get to have more than an hour with her are the weekend. We’ve have been together for 5 months now.

Today she said we spend too much time together. I feel like the only day I get actual time where I am not exhausted is Sunday. Her excuse is she never asked for them, which okay fair but to me she accepted them. I don’t count her rushing to eat, 10 mins of cuddling and heading to her work as time with her. We do see each other a lot but most of its rides to and from.

On top of that she talks about living together, marriage and wanting kids, all the time.

Am I wrong for thinking that’s not time with her? should I just stop helping her?

Tl;dr My(39/m) girlfriend(34/f) thinks we spend too much time together when most of it is time spent driving her and helping her get her kids. Am I wrong for thinking that’s not actually time with her? Should I just stop helping her?

1 comment
  1. I think you’re saying that you don’t count times when you have to do her favors (like drive her to things or pick up her kids) as quality time, and I agree- you may be ‘spending time together’ but driving her around and her ‘rushing to eat’ are very different than actually hanging out together. You’ve only been together 5 months and most of your relationship is spent having to do things for her, and now she’s saying she wants to see you less. I’d give up on this pretty quick, seems like she is using you.

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