My boyfriend (18M) and I (15F, turning 16 soon) have been in a long-distance relationship for a bit over a year. Even though we have a bit of an age gap (2 years and 4 months), it’s never affected us until a few months ago. Ever since then, I’ve been feeling like we’ve been drifting apart from each other, as he starts preparing to go to college, while I’m still stuck in the middle of high school.

Due to how freakishly controlling his family is, he only just got back his phone (his parents took it away for over a year), and even so, he still has parental control apps on it, so we aren’t able to talk a lot. The only way we can contact each other is through Xbox chat. This could be a reason why we’re drifting apart, as well as the age gap.

Recently, he sent me this message: I love you. I know I’ve been distant lately; I just need to take some time to myself and I think it’s been good for me so far. I’m gradually learning how to transition into adulthood (crazy) and I’m about to go get my license and then a job (planning to try for a movie theater where my friends are gonna be working at also). Thanks a ton for understanding”

For clarity, I’ve told him before that if he ever feels like he needs to take some time to himself, I would understand. Right before that message, he also told me that he’s been busy recently, and haven’t been talking to anyone in his life, although the latest message about working with his friends at a movie theater contradicts that.

Idk, it sounds so silly to me now that I’m actually writing this post, but I can get really paranoid sometimes (I’ve been diagnosed with severe anxiety, but I have treatment for it. Still, it could be affecting my judgement) and I keep thinking that him “taking some time to himself” is code for “taking a break from our relationship”.

He’s always been a really loving and caring person, perfect in all ways really, so I have no reason to doubt him. I trust him to be honest with me, but that message just really scares me I don’t want to ask him to set up a time for us to talk things through, because he told me that he needs some time to himself, and I don’t want to be one of those controlling clingy girlfriends.

Any advice? Can any of y’all decode what his message really means?

Tl;dr: my boyfriend sent me a message that might be code for “let’s break up”

  1. He might be breaking up with you. You’re underage for him, it’s probably not the worst thing. You’re young, you’ll be fine!

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