Curious because it’s really important to me personally.

  1. That’s totally personal of course. Some people can do without sex practically forever. I personally get real itchy if it lasts more than two weeks.

  2. Weeks+ and even then just jerking it suffices, but usually it’s reminded before by the partner so i don’t know the max.

  3. When the sex is good couples say it is 10% of the relationship, when the sex is bad (or nonexistent) it’s 90% of the relationship.

    I can go a long time if there is a good reason, but every time life gets busy and my wife and I don’t make time, when we finally do we can’t believe we waited that long.

  4. As long as I need to tbh, I’ve never really personally understood the appeal of sex. I mean sure it’s cool, but I mean more of a cuddler anyway. Sex just doesn’t appeal to me as much as laying with someone and enjoying life.

  5. I used to be a seafarer, so have gone 4/5 months without it. I have a high sex drive so it was hard, but there are ways around it, and if you care about the person you make it work.

  6. After several months (roughly 3-4) I lose sexual interest in my partner completely and revert to “single mode” which means that I will always choose masturbation over sex from this point on. The change is permanent.

  7. As long as it takes 🙁

    Outside of pregnancy or sickness, the worst case was several months.

  8. A few weeks before it becomes an issue that needs to be dealt with – if we’re not having sex something is not as it was.

  9. After a few months it started to feel like I was living with a roommate, and I can’t stand having roommates. I stayed for s few months after that, and it was clearly a mistake.

    I don’t do monogamy anymore, so if someone doesn’t want to have sex with me, I’ll just spend more time with another partner.

  10. Seven years has been the longest, followed by two years. Currently at eleven months.

  11. 18 months since sex, 5 years since anything resembling a sex life

    Kids keep me here

  12. Woman here- hopefully offering you some encouragement that there are women out there who will NOT deprive you of sex for months or years and you don’t have to settle for that.
    I’ve been married 10 years and have never gone over a week and a half with my husband. I’m also 9 months pregnant and that hasn’t changed things either.

  13. It depends. I’m patient, because my partner has anxiety (I do too). However, if you feel like you are not compatible when it comes to sex, you will be unhappy in your relationship

  14. A few weeks and I start getting in a mood. I’ve been with my wife for 10.5 years. Still want it most days but she doesn’t. We usually go once a week.

  15. Every time you think it’s them, wait a while, think, and then you often realise it’s also sort of you

  16. The longest I went was a year. But that was by choice. He was a POS.

    In a loving relationship? The longest I’ve gone without was 3 months. And I typically don’t like going more then a week. After a week of no sex I’m pissed at the world, like I’ll be mad that the floor is just being a floor.

    So basically. Give me orgasms daily if possible. Very other day is okay. No longer then a week.

  17. I am experiencing the menopause shutdown. 5 years so far.

    Sometime they tap out in the 60’s and there’s more the relationship than sex.

    Just as many men tap out at that age as well leaving a lot of horny women unhappy.

  18. Personally, forever. I’m asexual though so that’s a bit different haha

  19. It depends. If it’s for medical reasons or distance reasons then I can tolerate it.

    If we’re talking they just refuse to fuck, then I’ll give it a month before I say something. Why the hell are you dating someone if you don’t want to have sex with them? I’d just assume they find me unattractive.

  20. Depends on why?

    I want every 3 days on average assuming we live together.

    Im very flexible if something is wrong though or we don’t live together.

  21. when younger couldn t go more than couple days Id get so horny get hard just from wind blowing…Now once week I happy tho have gone 3 week weeks recently . Was tuff thow waking up with hard on made me feel young again

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