What will you do if you fall out of love with your partner?

  1. Sometimes things don’t work out, sometimes people change. Sometimes the reasons we fall in love for might become a factor along the way of falling out of love. It’s how life works. If it comes to this, I believe it’s best to remember the best moments you two have spent together, instead of growing to hate them. When someone changes and the reasons of falling in love in the first place no longer exist, then I hope the way I change may bring a new light and my partner falls in love with my differences; the same way I hope I fall in love once more, under a different light, with him again.

  2. If it’s truly over and gone, then I’d end the relationship. Let them go to find a partner who is in love with them. Neither of us deserves to live in a relationship where we aren’t fully loved and appreciated.

  3. I think we’re at an age now where it wouldn’t matter so much. We’ve been together for more than half our lives, and we were friends for a long time before that. It’s kind of hard to envision what “falling out of love” would even look like to be honest.

    Anyway, I can’t imagine either of us would be particularly interested in starting a new relationship any time soon, we’d probably rub along quite happily as roommates and it wouldn’t make sense for us to disentangle our finances as we’d both be worse off.

  4. You tell them and break up. Stay honest with them. It’s the least they deserve

  5. Fall back in love with them. I’ve been with my partner almost 11 years – and it wouldn’t be the first time I had to put in effort to love them again, and it probably won’t be the last. Relationships have ups and downs and I think if you value the relationship and your partner, then its worth the effort of rekindling that lost spark.

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