I guess I simply don’t know how to talk to people, it’s not like I don’t understand social cues or body language, it’s the talking part that “annoys” the people around me. But I don’t know why, i don’t talk too much, too little, I just seem to fall short of what everyone tolerates. I don’t interrupt people, I don’t try to brag about shit, I stay in my place, so I really don’t know what it is that drives people away from me.

I don’t think I’ve ever had a friend that I could say genuinely liked me, I’ve only ever had 2 “best friends” and the funniest thing was it turns out they were gay and just had massive crushes on me, and when i rejected them because I’m not gay, they left. I never got invited to birthday parties growing up unless the entire class got invited, I never got invited to hangout with other kids growing up, people really hated me to my core.

Anyways in all the years of high school I didn’t make a single friend, except for one friend and that was my girlfriend that I made in like the last 4 months of my senior year, but she ended up hating me too after a certain amount of time, so now I have no one. I’m going to college in like a little less than 2 months now and I guess i’m scared, i don’t want to be alone. Im gonna be going to a university 8 hours away from home so if I’m alone, i’m ALONE.

Im making this post because i’m asking for tips on how I can like.. not be “annoying”.

  1. Why do you think they hate you? Maybe they just do not feel connected?

  2. I would ask the lady girl from your senior year. Hey, what is it I do that rubs people the wrong way, then just listen. No arguments, no excuses.

  3. It’s hard to tell from this post, you sound normal to me. But you sound like you have a lot of rejection “traumas”, and already expressed fear meeting new people because you feel like they will leave. These things usually turn into self fulfilling prophecies.

  4. Your going away to college, stop living in the past and look forward to this new life new chance to be whoever you want, maybe they didn’t like you cause their stupid, either way those times don’t exist anymore so let it go move on and move up, you got a chance to recreate your story and be whoever you want. New area, new story. Glass half full outlook.

  5. Do you talk about about politics? Do you correct people a lot when they didn’t ask for that input? Do you actively listen when people talk or are you just waiting for your turn? Do you like people? Do you have hobbies and interests? Passions?

    Are you vulnerable with people? Are you in touch with your emotions?

    I would see if your college campus offers counseling services. Self reflection is necessary for growth, and growth makes you more interesting to be around.

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