Hi all,

to say I am freaking out would be an understatement. My boyfriend and I had some pretty rough sex five days ago and I haven’t stopped spotting since. It was heavier at first, with more blood darker in colour, and now it’s light red and I notice it every other time I go to the toilet. The first day was awful, mostly because I convinced myself it was sth so bad that I got a panic attack and then felt nauseous the whole day (even threw up from nausea).

I called my doctor the first day and she just said “yeah… I am fully booked for the next two weeks”, so I went to the ER, where they did some urine tests and a vaginal ultrasound. The doctor said I was neither pregnant nor had any cysts, polyps, infections or anything of the like. He only said that “it could be a million other things” without any further explanation, and even kinda seemed annoyed at me for coming. I have been on the pill for the past 7 months and have never missed a day, so I doubt it’s that.

I am worried out of my mind. I booked an appointment with my other gynecologist (I have one as my selected primary care gyno and another one with a private practice – expensive, but worth it), which is at the end of July because she is booked until then. If this persists, idk what I’ll do, other than go crazy from the worry.

Has anyone had similar experiences? Could it just be some tearing from sex that takes a while to heal?

Thanks in advance!

1 comment
  1. hi! gonna be a long reply here sorry, but this happened to me after about a year and a half of being on the combined pill (with no issues with it before then) i started experiencing random bleeding throughout my cycle and also occasionally after sex. I had tests for STIs/any other infections at the doctors + ultrasound scans at the hospital and everything came back clear, all they found was that my cervix was slightly pushed out, and when it was being hit during penetration, this is where the blood was coming from. it’s called an ectropion cervix and it was found that, in my case, it was almost certainly caused by the estrogen in the birth control pill, some people just react differently to it, I guess I can’t tolerate it. so I’ve been switched to a progesterone only pill which I will be starting next week! I’m not a doctor and obviously can’t diagnose you but this was just my personal experience and I was similarly very concerned after the sporadic bleeding had continued for a few months, but please don’t panic, even though bleeding like this can sometimes be a sign of something serious there are also some harmless issues that can cause it, and usually if it is something major, you would have other symptoms in addition to just the bleeding. also seeing as your ultrasound and other tests have come back clear, that’s a really great sign that it’s nothing to worry about 🙂

    one time I had bleeding for three weeks straight, and no infections/STIs could be found, it was just a blip caused by hormones I guess.

    last thing – you shouldn’t have been treated like that at the emergency room. that’s not fair on you at all. I’m sorry that whoever was working there made you feel bad especially when you’re already really worried about your health. but I hope you’re okay and find peace of mind soon 🙂

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