So I know this girl and we’ve been friends for a while. She recently asked me out and I said yes, I don’t know why. I don’t like her and I’m still not over my last breakup. I just feel that I’m leading her on.
I’m gonna have dinner with her tomorrow, what should I do?
I don’t want her but I don’t wanna hurt her cause she kinda cares about me.

  1. Say I’m not ready for another relationship, some girl pleaded with me for weeks to have a relationship I caved in and it was super toxic and it damaged me,

  2. Definitley don’t go and lead her on.

    Tell her that you really appreciate her asking you out, and at the moment with the speed of things and without much thought you said yes. Now, you realized you are still not over your last relationship and would not like to go out.


    Don’t mention to words “not ready” because that will give her hope that in the future you’ll go out with her

  3. Your point about not being over your last relationship is a perfect excuse to bail. Tell her that you’re flattered but shouldn’t have accepted the date because you’re still going through some stuff from your last relationship. She’ll get it (and if not, too bad).

  4. If you’re actually willing to giver her a chance to see if your opinion changes, I’d say go, but keep the expectations low.

    If you’re unwilling to give her a chance you’re wasting her time and your own.

  5. No you should absolutely not go out with her. Why are you even asking this if you don’t like her?

  6. Did she specifically ask you on a date or just say let’s go eat/hang out? You could easily play it like you misunderstood and say how nice it is to spend time with a friend. I know honesty is always best but sometimes it’s easier to just avoid the awkward conversations sometimes

  7. Just go and have a good time. Maybe make clear that you want things purely platonic.

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