A few years ago, i got social anxeity

I have always wondered why i got it. At the time it was the peak of my life, but all of a sudden my whole life changed. No bad events happened leading up to me getting social anxeity. So i just wonder if any of you got social anxeity in the same way as i did, if not maybe how you got it. It could be nice if you know what could have caused it, Anything would help alot:)

  1. don’t feel like you’re the only one.
    sometimes it comes suddenly, without any warning or events.

  2. Please let it be, don’t fight it like I’ve done for 20 years, when it comes talk to it like it’s a child be nice Reasure it. Talk to your friends about it.

  3. Social anxiety nearly 100% of the time for every person who has it (which is most people) is a manifestation of years of small traumas and repressed feelings that happen throughout your childhood. Things like friends in school ignoring you, parents not being interested in your TV shows you like, accidentally getting lost at a grocery store, etc. It all builds up this unconscious thought that people are threatening and that if you do the wrong thing it’ll result in your death. It’s very tricky but it affects everyone and the only way to really get over it is to look deep inside yourself to find out exactly why you’re feeling what you’re feeling, why it triggers you, and to truly allow yourself to process those fears so you can let go of them

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