Is it a reflection of your backwards culture? Seriously, in AskMyCountry we only get thoughtful –

— ah screw it. it’s only just past 1 on the East coast and I’m already ready for this sub to go back to normal lol. anyone with me?

  1. It’s low effort because we can only put so much energy into typing due to our clogged arteries.

  2. Typical American…always trying to push your views on everyone else. Not like here in MyCountry, where our criticisms and suggestions are based on reason and you are stupid because you ignore them.

  3. this day cannot possibly end too soon. not just this one subreddit flooded with derivative uncreative and in large part offensive nonsense, but most of the april fools universe

  4. The cheeseburgers and freedom clog our brain cells. Thanks for pointing it out asshole.

  5. Every chucklehead with two spare brain cells to rub together rushes in to shitpost “heh, Ill make some stupid April Fools shitpost, **it’ll be funny**”.

    They need to keep their day job, since their comedy sucks.

  6. Yes pleeeease I’m so tired of April fools day and it’s only morning 😭

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