I start a new 6th form in September with about 85 people in my year. Unfortunately, I think 3 of these people don’t like me already bc I overshared on insecurities, such as me being scared that I’ll die within the next 2 years. I’m also scared that people will just see me as a “meh” option and go for the better people while I’m basically forgotten and left to rot. I want to be excited to go as there are loads of people there who agree with me more on stuff than my last school and there are loads of cool facilities. I have Asperger’s Syndrome, have never really been part of a friend group in my life and have always kind of been the extra friend, meaning I go out to see friends about once a year on average, which is honestly pathetic for someone my age.

TL;DR: I’m scared about socialising at 6th form bc I don’t know how to make a friend group

1 comment
  1. I would recommend just saying hi or starting a conversation. As nerve-wracking as it can be nearly everyone will reciprocate a conversation, try to pick someone who’s smiling and seems open, because you’ll have more luck than with someone who seems super shy and anxious. If you make an effort and try to conversate, you’ll make friends or at least acquaintances with people so you have someone to hang out with or talk to all day. You can be happy without a dedicated friend group and a lot of friends from different groups. Friend groups often occur naturally so your best bet would be to just start a conversation with multiple people instead of just an individual to get a group dynamic going. If you really want to force a friend group, find people you click with and keep inviting them and see if something sticks. Most likely you’ll find a friend group through a common class or activity, so find a group of people who seem open and try to chat them up. If you find the right people, all you’ll need to do is start the conversation, and they’ll fill in the rest. It’s really nerve-wracking and scary, but it’s what will work the best.

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