I was deep in sleep when my GF (28) woke me up around 3am (I’m 26) and indicated that she wanted sex. I got a little annoyed because I’ve been having issues with sleep lately and I was finally having good quality sleep when she woke me up. I turned her down initially and she stormed off in a huff. Felt guilty and invited her back in. She came pretty quick from my fingers, but I went soft in the middle of sex and couldn’t cum. Ended up faking an orgasm. Could this be ED, or is it just that I simply wasn’t in the mood? I also feel guilty because all I’ve heard and read online makes me feel like I’m expected to be hard and ready all the time.

  1. If you aren’t aroused you can’t expect to perform man. My gf gets me at the worst times like in the middle of the night or right before bed after ive worked for 15 hours. Don’t feel bad feel proud that you found a way to satisfy her. You need to have a conversation about how this made you feel man. Don’t bottle it up because that shit grows into an uglier issue down the road.

  2. You were a little annoyed not fully aroused so yes losing your erection is to be expected.

    Now what gets my attention is something else.

    > Ended up faking an orgasm

    How do you fake an orgasm as a man? just intrigued.

    Ahhh plus something else again…………

    > Felt guilty and invited her back in. She came pretty quick from my fingers

    Is it posible that she faked it too? If so then you see what worries me about the two of you.

    It’s one thing to not have sex or have duty sex but it’s another if in case both of you are faking the encounter which will seem like both of you are not into. Why waste the time and energy then?

    I get it [Sex begets sex](https://tichaz.com/2022/01/14/affectionate/). The more you have, the more you want.

    But……faking orgasms?

  3. Honestly seems situational. I got into a bad car accident, went home and my gf wanted sex, of course I was not aroused being as I just almost possibly died and wanted some peace atm

  4. You didn’t want to have sex and your body responded as such. I’d be more concerned about your partner guilt tripping you for turning her down.

  5. What bothers me most is her attitude after you refused her, closely followed by you faking an orgasm.

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