I’m still new to the idea of having friends, is it like a relationship where one can end it?

  1. Yes, you can verbally end a friendship. Many people also just let friendships die out to avoid the conversation.

  2. I think for most people they just fizzle out due to whatever circumstances or direction in life you/them are heading towards. Most of my frendships have ended this way. There has been few times where I personally ended them because of midigating circumstances.(Toxicity, drug abuse, overall bad friend)

  3. Depending on the circumstances sometimes it is easier to say something most people don’t bother though

  4. Definitely a thing. Last year this happened to me with a close friend, they said some really messed up things and weren’t treating me well so I explained that what they were doing was hurting me and I wanted to clear things up. They refused to see what was wrong with what they said and wouldn’t even acknowledge that they hurt me so I ended up basically saying that if they couldnt see how what they did was wrong, I couldnt be their friend anymore. it was really rough on me but we havent spoken since and I’m doing a lot better now. If someone is ever being toxic or unhealthy its totally fine to ‘break up’ if they wont change for the better, other times friendships dont have a specific break point and they sort of just slowly fizzle out.

  5. Yes, I blocked my friend group of 3 of 10 years because I was the only one who ever put any effort and I was sick of how negligent they were to maintain friendship.

  6. Yeah, but in reality, (unless they’re super problematic) you usually will just end up drifting apart instead of formally “breaking up.”

  7. Did it with one that was very toxic and negative.. Best thing I did ever! You literally feel light and somehow refreshed because you are no longer bombarded with their mean remarks and nasty comments and best of all you are no longer their therapist they will have to go find another person to dump their emotional baggage they can’t handle onto and it will not be you!

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