In my early 20s and just moved to a new city for work 4 weeks ago, far away from both my college and home town. I’ve never really been that sociable and have only made 1-2 friends since high school ended. I haven’t really found opportunities to connect with people outside of my coworkers due to my hours and still haven’t really made any good friends or connections there. Would appreciate any recommendations on how to get better socially to start making friends again

  1. Working that many hours you really can’t have a social life. I mean maybe a very very limited one….

    When I’d work 90-120 hours my free time was spent sleeping, eating, showering, and laundry…..

  2. Work comes first (and sleep and eating).

    When you’re down to 60 hours per week of work, then you can devote time and effort to friends.

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