How often do you think about your weight?

  1. Only if I notice I am packing any fat on. I don’t mind if I gain muscle mass.

    One of my biggest fears in life has been becoming fat, I just generally find fat people really unattractive and I can’t imagine living life that out of shape. I am pretty sure if I looked in the mirror one day and saw a fat piece of shit staring back at me it would just obliterate my self esteem.

    But I’ve been pretty good about keeping on top of my cardio since my 20’s so its never materialized into a real issue for me in life.

  2. Daily, but I’m actively losing some weight so kinda makes sense 🙂

  3. Almost never? I’m happy with my body / physique, and I’m physically active and eat a super clean well rounded nutritious vegetarian diet and I’ve been doing that since I was a teen, so I’ve never had a negative association with my weight. I pay really close attention to food and stuff, and think about health / fitness very often, multiple times daily, but never actually think about the number on the scale.

  4. Not much anymore, I got my ass in shape and now I just workout to be healthy and I have accomplished a healthy weight for me.

  5. Several times a day, every day. I’m underweight and need to gain weight. The problem is, I have irritable bowel syndrome: I can’t eat more without also having to go to the can more. And the more I have to go to the can, the more stomach aches I get, the less appetite I get. Plus, being in the bathroom a lot takes away time that you could spend eating. Aside from that, I’m also working out, so I’m in the gym three times a week. I wake up every day telling myself that I’m going to eat more and more, but I end up actually losing more weight. I’m 56 kg but I have to weight at least 60.

  6. I am so busy that I rarely think about it. When I will have the time, I will work on this and think about it a lot.

  7. All the time. Currently I’m bulking, so I monitor my weight to make sure I’m gaining enough. My bulk ends in about 8 weeks from now, so I’ll be cutting and still monitoring my weight.

  8. Often because a few years ago I’d gained like 40 pounds. Started taking in less calories and noticed a huge difference. Lost the weight and have been maintaining ever since. I don’t really watch what I eat anymore unless I notice the five extra pounds isn’t going away. Bought a scale that keeps a log of everything so I can see how I’m trending.

  9. pretty often, I have to gain weight, I don’t have an ED or a metabolism problem but for idk which reason I’m unable to gain weight and it’s annoying

  10. When I’m hitting the gym, I’m sometimes disappointed about not gaining as fast as I want.

  11. Very rarely tbh. Then again I’m fairly skinny and I weigh 135lbs the last time I checked.

  12. A lot seeing as how I’m on a weight loss journey right now, so it kind of requires constant attention.

  13. Everyday , multiple times a day. I am loosing this fat even if it’s the last thing I do

  14. About once every day (morning) when I weight myself to see if I don’t go below a certain amount and risk getting sick (I get sick from overwork if I don’t keep my weight over a certain amount).

  15. Almost daily just because Im fasting and I find it interesting. I dont obsess over it though, I just notice

  16. Well, I step on the scale once a week and based on that decide how much snacking I allow myself during the week.

  17. Every damn day Because of the Weight I have lost. In 1992 I weighed 336. Now I weigh 205. I had been OW my whole life until now. It was always my fault for being OW but my late mom always blamed herself for it. And she would let me know it.

  18. Only when I see my belly grow. Other than that I have a healthy weight

  19. I only think about it when I get questioned about it, like this post. So I guess monthly.

  20. A lot.

    I’m in the process of losing a lot of weight so it’s a major focus at the moment

  21. Tbh everytime I eat or look in a mirror. I used to be borderline anorexic and its a bad habit I still have

  22. More than that I would like, I’m overweight and I really need to be more aware of my food habits. Also, I would like to say “Damn, my girl would like to see me naked more often.”

  23. All day, every day. When I wake up, when I shower, when I sit in my office chair and my rolls show, when someone sees me eating lunch.

  24. Just when I’m trying to bulk. I’m small I’m 5’6 built well but I weigh 130 at my lowest I can get to 155 if I work out alot and eat decent get nice legs chest and arms

  25. When I step on the scale in the morning.

    Cause I’m tracking it right now.

  26. Every day. intermittent fasting plus hitting the gym on the regular or just talking long walks to not bet such a fat fuck anymore 220/99kg on 182 cm is way too much. I have lost around 14 pounds already but it will always be a struggle. Had the same journey a year before down to 90 kg, got frustrated and depressed with work and ate myself up to 106 kg at my worst. Hardest thing for me is getting the amount of movement into my life. Working a desk job and a daily commute in the car don’t help either.

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