Hello..can somebody give me a word of advice for me as i turned 17 ,based on their experience?

  1. Choose who and where to spend your time and energy, success will follow you wherever you go as long as you do what you love and are passionate about. Find every moment you can to laugh, smile and enjoy the small things.

  2. Time to choose what you wanna do with your life and choose people you want around you
    Enjoy the amount of time in your hands, try stuff out to see do you like it or not

  3. When you shoot the ball, make sure you shoot with you laces and follow through.

  4. Learn to say no. You don’t have to tolerate those who don’t respect you and don’t want the best for you.

  5. When you have a choice of doing something vs not doing anything at all, do it.

    This allows you to grow. This allows you to increase in life experience.

  6. Avoid “falling in love” and getting married with someone too early. Our brains aren’t even fully developed until we’re at least 25 and it’s not very likely that you or that person is going to be equipped to handle the pressures that come with it. Date lots of people. Experiment. Have fun. Let yourself be in love with yourself first before you let yourself be in love with anyone else.

    Go out into the world and have some fun. Take some risks. Give up the idea of a dream job and feel lucky if one lands in your lap one day. Look for experiences that have weight in your life both for work and for pleasure.

    Look at the world around you and ask yourself what can be better, how you can help it bet better, and how you want to help it be better and start working on that in baby steps.

    Connect with others and be present and genuinely interested in them. Ask them about themselves, their work, their hobbies, their opinions. If someone else says they don’t like you, who cares!? Time to move on! #notworthit

    Don’t be offended if people have a different opinion than you if that opinion isn’t actually hurting anyone or playing into a socio-political mindset that has a net-negative effect on society as a whole.

    Keep a gratitude journal. If empathy isn’t your strongest trait, work on it. Get a therapist while you still get to use your parent’s health insurance (if you’re in the USA) because they can really help you with that and a ton of other things!

    Take a financial math course, even if just so you can keep a manageable budget for yourself when you’re on your own. Learn to clean and to deep clean your spaces and everything you know.

    Take a first aid and CPR class.

    Stand up for yourself. Know what real red flags look like in all kinds of relationships (work, friends, bae, etc.,)

  7. This is something i wish some one would have told me. Because you are still growing your mind isn’t fully formed and yoy still have a lot of neuroplasticity. If you start smoking, doing drugs, or any form of bad coping at this age and you do them till your brain is fully formed they fucking stick for life.

    And at this age just put all attention in personal growth. The more you grow at a young age the better adjusted you are when you are gonna start working etc. This doesn’t have to be school stuff or a skill you can make money off of. I started journaling at your age and started leveling my EQ. Now i am an verry empathic person and i am able to hold good and active conversations, i can level with people below my capacity and if people are above mine i am also able to adjust. These are the types of skills you will not learn at school but are vital to have to attract good people in your life, have forfilling relationships and love yourself.

  8. Dont rush to grow. Just live and be happy.
    And trust me, whatever it is, it won’t matter in a few years.

  9. You’ll never find what gives you comfort without having experienced the uncomfortable.

  10. Start investing for retirement early. Invest part of your income in a fund and let it grow. The earlier you start, the easier it is.

    Work hard so you won’t be stucked with a terrible job, terrible friends, and terrible places.

  11. Don’t worry too much. It doesn’t matter if you make mistakes, don’t have your life or career planned out. Take time to learn skills you want e.g. cooking. Start saving as soon as you can.

  12. If you are in the US, move to a blue state, become political, and do not take anything for granted. An entire political party is now dedicated to the proposition that you are their property.

    Do not allow yourself to become pregnant. If you have an ectopic pregnancy in a red state, they may let you die. If you have a miscarriage in a red state, they can charge you with murder.

    Even if you live in a blue state, if Republicans take over the Congress and or win the presidency in ’24, they will pass a nationwide abortion ban and every girl and woman in the nation will be at risk.

    I know this sounds alarmist, but it’s absolutely true.

  13. Learn to say no and assertive. Try to learn about yourself likes , dislikes what you what is life ect. Know that you don’t have spend time with people you hate and choose wisely who share your time with and what you spend it on.

  14. Learn to think for yourself, and choose your own values. What matters to you? Who helps you be the person you want to be? What behaviors aren’t serving you, and how can you replace them?

    Take up any hobby that interests you, you can always put them down. Also an opportunity to be comfortable with being ‘bad’ at something, and to gain a sense of humor about life. You’re going to get it wrong a lot. All that matters is that you keep going in the direction you want to go, that you learn from your mistakes. And a lot of times you’ll be in a new situation you don’t know enough about to make the right decision—that’s okay! Learn to forgive yourself for those moments, and to make amends when you should.

    Be open and honest but firm. Knowing yourself, and being able to treat yourself fairly is key to setting appropriate boundaries. It’s very hard, especially as a young woman, to be the one to say no. It’s important to try new things but there is a voice inside you that sometimes knows ahead of time you shouldn’t do something.

    On to the bad part: be wary of people around you. 17 is a pretty vulnerable time. Reasonable adults don’t really care about teenagers. Shitty adults know young people are easy to manipulate, or give their positive attention more freely. If someone is paying you a lot of compliments, that’s a 🚩. It won’t just be older people, and it won’t just be men, but a little profiling in that direction doesn’t hurt (good older men know to be extra careful around young women).

    You’ll meet a lot of people, and not all are going to stick around, even if you want them to. Thats okay! You’re going to (hopefully!) change a lot! Some folks are worth holding onto, and for others, it’s just not the right time for you both. Sometimes, someone better is just around the corner.

    Happy 17! This is such a great time to try new things, and to begin to break free of the parts of life you didn’t choose by living at home. Best wishes to you!

  15. Learn to forgive small mistakes , and learn the difference between ego and pride.

  16. Stay close to people who make you feel safe, avoid those who make you feel threatened even if they are cool or exciting or seem to like you a lot.

  17. Most of the comments are pretty viable and good . I got only one advice , you dont have unlimited time , not by a long shot im 21 and the last 4 years went by like weeks. dont procrastinate otherwise you mind end up 21 22 23 … Having done nothing .

  18. Not everyone wants the best for you. Keep in mind who you spend time with (especially coworkers), because they are not afraid to burn you and twist anything you say if they think they can get an advantage.

  19. Don’t be afraid to try something new. Sometimes you will find an entire community that shares your interests. Give out positivity as much as you can. There are so many things going on in the world to make people cynical or jaded. If you just give someone a genuine compliment, you can truly make their day. I remember compliments I received from over 10 years ago fondly. Also, if a relationship or friendship is not reciprocated in action as well as word, it is not worth pursuing. You deserve to have people around you who love you for you.

  20. Wether it’s friends or romantic partners don’t let them undervalue you and make you feel unappreciated. You deserve to feel loved and supported. Be ambitious and I don’t mean professionally not everyone wants a successful career and that’s fine I mean be ambitious to give yourself the best life you can have.
    I saw this saying on Reddit and it stuck with me ever since: “There’s only two people you need to make proud, 8 year old you and 80 year old you”.

  21. Don’t ever put your happiness on hold for anyone or anything. I repeat “anyone or anything “

  22. Stop wanting to be wanted. Friends / lovers won’t make you happy… You have to make yourself happy first.

    People who really love you, will respect your boundaries. Don’t try to impress anyone.

    And the last one: take your time. You don’t need to know who you want to be yet. You WILL get more than one chance in college.

  23. Gather as many experiences as you can. If say there is a group of people going on a cool hiking trip early on a saturday in the poring rain, go on it too.

    Experience life, just be safe about it. It sucks to say but as a female, you are more likely a target for some shady people. I recommend that when you go to an unfamilar part of town or a new place, take a few friends with you; also take pepper spray and a taser. I would also recommend taking some self defense classes.

    Kinda outside this sub, but get your finances in order now. Read the r/personalfinance wiki and learn how to control your finances, dont let money control you.

    Good luck 🙂

  24. Don’t get pregnant and married by 25 like everyone else. Enjoy life. The good the bad and the amazing times. Everything in moderation. Don’t be too tough on yourself but too be too lazy either. Find balance,a passion and values. You must find work ethic to truly love yourself. Don’t worry about image or being liked..always look at everything as a learning opportunity. You’ll be fine. Family and health first always. The rest will always be there.

  25. Funny people are more healthy in the brain because they understand a different emotional level.

  26. Everything in moderation. Take care of yourself like you would a child that you dearly love.
    Be your genuine self not matter what anyone thinks.
    Never stop learning and bettering yourself. I think you’re on a good start for asking for advice.
    Take your education seriously. After high school don’t fuck off or around. Get to college or master a trade. Those few short years seem like forever but the best years are truly to come when you’re able to afford to life on your own. The sooner you invest the more the compound interest will help in the long run.
    Become really good friends with prospective people you think you could see yourself spending your life with. I got married at 23 and divorced at 28. I didn’t remarry until 40. I say 30-35 is a good age to wait to marry. I had a lot of girlfriends after my divorce. A couple it took 2-3 years to really know them. My wife now became my best friend before we slept together. It’s worth the wait. Wait as long as possible before blinding yourself with lust and ignoring the signs it’s the wrong person.
    Travel alone and with friends.

  27. Focus on school and college. Guys, or whatever you’re into, can wait.

  28. Stay on your own path. Don’t waste time trying to get even with those who have wronged you. Watch what you put on social media.

  29. Regardless of how you see yourself… you’re incredibly worthwhile, important and desirable to most people. Don’t let the fun house mirror distort you.

  30. Always follow your intuition. If someone or something seems sketchy act accordingly. Even if you’re embarrassed or don’t want to make a scene. If it turns out not to be what you thought. So what. You’re still safe.

  31. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Learn to use mistakes as a guide to rise up. The more you fail, the more experience you obtain.
    The one who failed the most, knows more than the person who didn’t fail, and won.
    Eventually, the one who failed the most will know tons of ways on how to not do something, and therefore will be able to help others when they fail, because they’ll know what they did wrong.

    I hope this makes sense

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