For example:

Just a few hours ago, I heard that my roommate and some friends were planning to go out clubbing and thinking this would be fun, without making much of it, I proceeded to invite myself and said I was down to go out.

They came to pregame at my place and as the night went on I couldn’t help but feeling like too much of an outsider and thinking about whether once at the club any of the people there would talk to me. I ended up saying I was tired from the workweek and wasn’t feeling it. Not getting a single “cmon man come out with us” only solidified my decision.

Situations like this happen to me all the time. However, if I don’t do this to some extent I literally have nobody to be with every weekend.

Should I stop it?

  1. If you don’t enjoy it don’t go being alone on the weekend isn’t a death sentence

  2. Here’s the thing, you need to learn how to make “a friend,” not bust into a “friend group.”

    Just as an example, why are you and your roommate not friends? If you WERE friends, then you would easily slide into his group, and he’d be inviting you regularly.

    So start with that relationship. What is it that prevents you from making friends with your own roommate? What are your conversations like? How often do you do things with each other? What kind of energy do you have when you’re with him? Compare that to the kind of vibe he has with his friends.

    That’s where I’d start. Because the solution to this isn’t “crashing the right group,” it’s learning how to BE a friend and MAKE a friend.

    Good luck!

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