I’ve (20F) been dating one of my best friends (23M) for 2 weeks now. He’s likes me a lot and I feel the same…about a week ago I wasn’t on the same level but it has gone up a bit. He’s my brother’s friend as well as mine (he’s ok with it).

Our date we went on last night was good. At the beginning of the day, I didn’t feel that much. I was just normal. And I’m a little spooked because does it mean my feelings won’t grow? Yesterday we both said that we are comfortable with being friends and in a relationship but my head was like “are you really? Are you sure this is what you want? What if feelings die and it’ll be awkward?” But when we share little intimate moments, I feel good. I wanted to kiss him last night too.

When I’m away, I think all the anxiety (if it is anxiety?) comes and I’ve been told by my parents to just see where it goes and don’t overthink it.

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