I started my first full time job in a sector I’d never worked in just before COVID, so I’ve been there almost 3 years now. I feel like I still know next to nothing and that everyone around me is more intelligent. Is this normal? Worried I’m never gonna get up to speed.

  1. I guess it depends what you do, unless you’re a pilot or a surgeon then I’d guess that everyone around you is feeling exactly the same as you

  2. How do you feel compared to when you first started? If you feel like you’re no better off then maybe it’s because you haven’t had much training or the work isn’t very challenging?

  3. Sounds like you’ve had no training or coaching. I’d feel I was being held back alot. I’d find a better job with training, and leave.

  4. Try to look at things more objectively: people who come across you at work don’t know (and often don’t care how you feel). I and many other people often have days where we *feel* we know nothing and are stupid but then perhaps other people don’t notice and hold us in higher regard.

    Try to look at what you are actually able to achieve rather than what you feel. That will be all other people see.

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