Firstly, throw away account. My I’m actually 31 female.

So my long term boyfriend and I have sex at least once, mostly twice a week. Honestly it’s basically on the weekends. During the week there’s not much sex drive. When we do have sex on the weekends it’s amazing. He’ll usually finish twice through the night. I usually finish as well. I get no inclination that he isn’t thoroughly enjoying it when it does happen. I just want to make sure that it’s not abnormal for a man to not seek it constantly, the way men are portrayed.

I obviously don’t mean that in a negative way at all towards anyone. It just makes me a little self conscious in general knowing that it’s seeming like my situation is unusual compare to this subs general population.

  1. No it’s not abnormal and I would say it’s more common than you think. The caveat as always though is everyone is totally different

  2. It depends on the person (male or female).

    I have a stupid high libido. I could have sex twice a day, everyday. My friend, he thinks I am nuts, he is good with once a week. I know another that once or twice a month.

    Of my female friends, one, she is like me. Others every couple days and more in the once a week to once a month bucket.

    I lose my mind after a couple days or no relief, others can deal with it for a much longer time.

    BTW, I am not 18, I am in my late 30s,knocking on my 40s. I have been like this since I was a teen. It was very difficult for me when I was young. I have learned how to deal with it, my partner helps allot there and living in my own home makes it easier.

  3. The only thing that comes into question is are you seeking more sexually are not. If you are make more of an effort during that time. Most of the time a little push can make a difference, but the most important thing is communication,. Talk and find out what he and you want in your sexual/romantic relationship.

  4. The only opinions that count regarding your sex frequency are yours and your guy’s. Sounds like you are are fine as things are and you would like to make sure that’s the same for your guy, or you want to find out if he thinks otherwise. It might be time for a multiple choice question if he would be ok with that. How do you feel about the frequency or our sex? much too frequent. somewhat too frequent. about right. Somewhat too infrequent. much too infrequent. If you decide to do this, you might ask a second question, which would be whether he has anything he’d like to experiment with.

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