I think I was vaccinated for it in 7th (it’s still effective) grade and my most recent partner is vacced. My other partner I’ve had said he was clean. Should I be panicking? I’ve only done oral sex but I’m still worried. I have no symptoms or anything but I’m worried.

Edit: for reverence I’m 19

  1. talk to your doc and confirm you got it and if it is still effective. HPV is all over the place. I forget the actual number but it is high.

    All types of sex can transmit HPV.

  2. I mean you could get HPV from any kind of unprotected sex. It’s extremely prevalent among sexually active people – according to the CDC nearly all sexually actively people will have HPV at some point in their lives. They don’t test men for it routinely because there is no HPV test for men that I’m aware of. Women are tested as part of cervical cancer screenings.

    The good news is in general, and especially in young people, the body can clear the infection and it doesn’t cause any issues. The vaccine also protects you against some of the strains that most commonly cause cancers or warts.

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