Ladies, if you have a partner who is very clingy, what do you do?

  1. I dont even get into a relationship with someone who is clingy, major turn off for me

  2. Depends on the person, but I generally don’t mind some clinginess if it seems authentic. Like, if I just started to date someone and a month in, they’re very clingy and talking about how much they miss me, that’s a lot. If it’s someone I’ve been dating a while and it seems appropriate, I don’t mind it. If they’re possessive or passive aggressive, it’s bad, too.

    I went on a week long vacation after a few months of dating. The day I came home, my boyfriend came over. It was like, 11PM, but he came because he wanted to see me ASAP. I found that endearing.

  3. If it’s a first time thing, I’d bring it up. If it’s a reoccurring pattern though, I’d end the relationship. I value my alone time.

  4. I’m pretty clingy so we might just fit

    Clinginess is a very personal and subjective thing, a person that I think is distant AF might be perfect for someone else.

  5. Talk to them, express your concerns. And if they keep it up and not respecting the boundaries? Break it up.

  6. I have leave them before I get mean. Clingy behavior infuriates me. I find clingy people too needy and suffocating.

  7. I’m pretty straight forward. Sometimes I’m into it and sometimes I’m not, so I just tell him.

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