Please help with this.

I’ve had anxiety for years, and the whole time I’ve been at my current school (2 years) my anxiety was so bad I couldn’t speak to anyone and I quite literally made 0 friends. In the past 6 weeks or so I’ve gotten a lot better very fast, to the extent that yesterday I met up with an online friend and even spoke to his friends and got along with them, something that would have been completely impossible to me prior to that.

However, given that I made no friends the entire time I was in school (and I have now graduated, I start university in early September) I have no idea what to do. I can’t be alone that entire time, and I can’t get a job, I have many other priorities this summer. I, for the first time in my life, can comfortably make friends. I can talk to people. I can give a good impression, and the happiness I get from being able to do that makes me feel like crying.

But I got the ability to do these things just a little too late. If it was just a couple months earlier I would’ve made a lot of friends at school, but I didn’t. And now I have no idea how to make any friends over the summer. I’m in UK if that matters, if anyone knows anything UK-specific, and I’m also not quite 18 yet (a month and a bit away) so can’t just go to a club or whatever.

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