SO, I’m on birth control and on my placebo week. About two weeks ago i did miss a day but took a pill first thing in the AM and again before bed to “catch up”. I’m on the last day of my cycle and me and partner had sex. He said he might have finished inside me a little. Do i have anything to be worried about? With the current state of everything i feel extra hyper aware and nervous. Thanks in advance for any help and advice!

  1. The pill is designed to allow a little leeway, since no one’s perfect. You caught up so you should be fine. Contraception is never 100% but the pill is about 99% so I wouldn’t worry too much

  2. the combined pill allows for some ‘error’, though it’s definitely best to take it at the same time especially with everything that’s been going on.

    only in the case you miss a pill/have a late pill you should take an extra form of contraception for the next 7 days, if it’s just one late/missed pill you don’t even need to. you’re way past the 7 day mark anyways so you should be fine:)

    if you’ve been extremely anxious/stressed about this, it’s possible that you may get a delayed bleeding (it happens to me often when stressed) so don’t panic! hormones really are a roller coaster.

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