Every partner I have had has thankfully went down on me before we had sex. Some longer than others but I notice that I cannot focus on my pleasure because I’m so worried about things like
1. Smelling weird
2. How long it’s gonna take me to cum/ if I can even cum and worrying about how long he’s been down there

I want to be able to enjoy it but I literally can’t relax..
I’m having someone over tonight and I just wanna be able to cum and get out of my head.

  1. i was the same way in the beginning. i worried a lot about how i smelled, tasted, and how long it was taking me. my bf kisses me after he finishes going down on me so i pretty much have an idea on what i taste/smell like. just make sure you’re clean. you should be fine. i’ve never smelled anything bad on myself personally

    closing my eyes helps a lot and also it being dark. also what helps is focusing on the feeling and slowing my thoughts down if that makes sense. try to dismiss your thoughts and focus solely on how his mouth is making you feel. i think it definitely takes some practice getting out of your head. there’s no easy fix

  2. Just take a quick shower it will put your mind to rest lie back and relax take your time if you want him to come up just tell him you can’t wait for him to put it in and if you don’t want to do it there is no shame in that

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