(33M single no kids) None of my friends enjoy the Jersey shore ynless their Gfs make them go and I’m tired of hearing coworkers and others enjoying the shore. Every year I get closer to saying fuck it but I don’t want to be the wierd guy alone at the beach. What do I do?

  1. I was like this until I figured out exploring new places alone gave me the freedom to do stuff on my terms. I love traveling new places and going to different restaurants by myself and be able to do whatever I please. Nobody is going to notice or care, hell how many times have you judged someone for jogging alone? I’d say never

  2. Try changing your mindset, instead of telling yourself that it’s weird to go alone, tell yourself I’m gonna go out and enjoy the beach because it’s a nice day. Also if you saw a person enjoying the beach by his/herself you probably wouldn’t think anything of it and they aren’t harming anyone, so why think that way towards yourself. So face your fears, and conquer the beach.

  3. Nope it’s not weird. People likely won’t notice you. And if they think you’re weird fuck em. Maybe bring a book so you have something to do and don’t feel weird if you’re just hanging out on the sand. Have fun 🙂

  4. I spent a week in Cape May on my own just to get away. I wandered around town, on the beach, ended up photographing some skaters jumping the local Christmas set up. I used to go to Asbury Park just to wander around on my own sometimes. Usually to take pictures but thats just my thing. Go eat at a new restaurant, walk the boardwalk. Bring a book if that’s what you’re into. Being on your own isn’t always a bad thing.

  5. Do it. I regularly go in summer every year, but I do live 30-40 mins away from like 9 beaches.

    I don’t go near crowds though. I always walk miles away from everyone, or I walk far enough away from the crowd and make a spot for myself.

  6. There is not much that’s weird to do by yourself. Certainly not going to the beach. Be comfortable in your own skin enough to not worry about what people think. It’s their problem not yours. Go be free, do things you enjoy and forget the rest.

  7. No. Of all the places going to the beach by yourself is the most socially acceptable I think. I see people of all kinds by themselves at the beach, super babes tanning alone, people reading, or those just taking a stroll. In a sea of people doing activities, nobody is gonna notice one person minding their business.

  8. Dude if I lived anywhere near a beach my ass would be there alllllll the time. In fact, going alone sounds ideal AF

  9. I see people going to the beach by themselves all the time! I don’t think it’s weird at all

  10. I was 33 married and with 2 kids and I went by myself. Trying to get my husband to go was like pulling teeth.

  11. I’ve taken a vacation to a beach by myself 4 times now. I allways seek out a resort type hotel where food and drinks are on site. Everything I’ve have a blast and made awesome friends around the bar. A good time can be had on your own.

    One time i was questioned about being on my own…like it’s a weird thing. I was half buzzed and made up a sob story about my partner cheating on me, I recieved so many free drinks from the bartender that night. Just have fun do whatever makes you laugh and have a good time. Nobody is gonna really care if your alone. You can be yourself or make up whatever persona you want. It’s a vacation have fun with it.

  12. GO TO THE BEACH !!! If that’s what’s holding you back from being at the beach then danm , just fricken go to the beach dude and have a great time , you don’t need people with you !

  13. u can go anywhere u want alone, maybe u will meet a new friend, be safe tho!

  14. Something that helped me a lot was to make up a story for why I was alone. No one there will recognize you, so you can make up any reason for being alone and have it ready in case anyone asks. I guarantee you no one will ask, but it really helped me to have one.

    Some reasons for someone being alone at the beach could be:

    * You’re travelling for work and decided to explore the beach instead of sitting in your hotel room.
    * You’re meeting friends, but they’re running late.
    * You came with friends, but they had to leave early because the babysitter called.
    * You’re taking a photography class and the asignment was to take pictures at the beach.

  15. Having a conversation by yourself is weird. Going to the beach? Nah. Most people just lay there and sleep on their blankets anyways. Go enjoy!

    Although once I went to an outdoor pool by myself. I was pregnant and overdue so I wanted to go swimming and I had nobody to go with (during the afternoon on a weekday). The pool was packed and it felt kind of awkward just doggie paddling around all the families and teens. But that’s a small closed space.

  16. Be the weird guy at the beach (not weird at all by the way). It is your life and you deserve to enjoy it as you please (as long as you’re not hurting anyone, needless to say). Do not deny yourself such a simple and pure pleasure, I repeat: you deserve it!

  17. No one will give a shit and I’m confused why you give a shit. Want to go to beach, go to the beach.

  18. go to the beach by yourself!:) no one’s gonna think you’re weird. Great way to get some quality self time

  19. Omg, definitely just go! I do a lot of stuff by myself because I’m sick of waiting for someone to do it with. Most of the time people are too consumed with themselves and their own lives to pay any attention to you. And if they think you’re weird, who cares. You’ll never see them again! Go enjoy the beach!!

  20. Is it weird? It’s only weird if you think it’s weird, once I stopped thinking it’s weird I did what I always wanted to do, I watched the sunset while singing & playing my guitar. Were there people around? Yes! Did I care, not really, they were minding their own business and I was not loud to bother them.

    Stop worrying about what other people think and just do it!

  21. I think I’m about to start SUPing by myself for the same reason. Tired of waiting for someone with the same schedule as me. Let’s do it! Worst case scenario we don’t stay very long.

  22. I frequently go to So Cal beaches with a low chair, a water bottle and a book. Hell no, not weird!

  23. I have gone to restaurants, movies, beaches, mountains, and just about anywhere the fuck I want to go alone. Sure the first time eating alone at the restaurant was awkward. But I later realised if people enjoy watching me stuff my face with food, I might as well enjoy myself eating it! GO TO THE BEACH!

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