This is a weird question but I know that a lot of girls at my school always have these specific types for guys, like being tall or having colored eyes or being athletic, etc. but I’m just wondering how much guys care? Are they as specific as girls are, more or less? I’m mainly insecure about my glasses and being Indian because the white girls at my school are so pretty. I’m American for the record, was born in the U.S. and I’d say I think I’m okay looking (basically a clone of my dad who was pretty good looking when younger), but I wear some glasses which don’t look bad on me, although I still feel like I’d be more attractive without them.

  1. Men are definitely less picky and don’t worry, there is a type of look for everyone and glasses is definitely not something most people worry about or pick on when worn by the opposite sex.

  2. If the woman is height, weight proportionate then it moved on to character and how well she treats me. And I, for one, think Desis are beautiful. So pick your chin up

  3. I’m quite certain my brain is more picky than I would be if acting rationally. And rationally I still wouldn’t want someone who’s e.g. obese.

    That said, the last time I fell in love it was with a woman who had scars from acne and lemon-sized boobs – it’s not like all men agree on what’s attractive. I.e. don’t worry too much about it.

  4. Eye candy rarely goes hand in hand with kindness. And kindness is hella more attractive than perfect looks. Guys want acceptance without manipulation.

    That being said, the younger a guy is, the more important outer beauty is. It takes getting burned a few (several) times before we learn what to look for.

  5. Men have preferences, as there needs to be that initial attraction to make them want to approach and pursue.

    Men are also called pigs for having preferences based off physical preferences.

  6. Short and if a certain build. Rest doesn’t matter. Personality of course depends on once I actually take her out

  7. Not gonna sugarcoat dis. There’s a lot of jerks out there that will play with your heart in order to get some physical attention. Some guys have no standards and will bed anything with a pulse. On the contrary ….There are a lot of good decent human beings who happen to be men. Don’t be affriad to call someone out on their shitty behaviour. Most young men are rough around the edges. They need guidance on how to refrain from certain behaviours and nasty habits. Everyone has a type but most people are flexible and willing to compromise. Know your worth and choose wisely. The right person will win your validation and prove themselves worth the effort.

  8. A heartbeat is preferable, but as long as there is still warmth, you wont see me complain.

  9. When we’re teenagers, a hole is a hole, and ‘picky’ wouldn’t even be a state of mind.

    In our 20s, we’re a bit more selective of our mates That is because so many things can go wrong, we have more to loose, and those are our prime years for snagging a long term partner without baggage.

    After 30, we revert back to ‘hole is a hole’ and are just a bit more cautious about potential baggage.

  10. Here’s the reality, when it comes to looks guys are less picky than girls.

    Yes, they want someone attractive but that’s very broad. Most want someone who’s cute (not gorgeous) and nice.

    The ideal GF is someone who’s cute and really nice.

  11. Depends on the guy, but generally guys are so much less picky than girls.

  12. Overall less so than women, but the difference is smaller than you’d think; and the variation is greater, the extremes farther. The pickiest man you’ll ever come across (probably me) is likely going to be more so than the pickiest woman.

  13. Depends on what their for. Guys aren’t as picky about who sucks them off as they are about who sings lullabies to their firstborn.

  14. As much as we can be picky when we are just looking at girl, the moment a girl talk to us or smile at us we fall in love.

  15. I want someone I find attractive but what I find attractive is really all across the board.

    Race, height, glasses or not, hair color, what country they are from, breast size, booty size; things like that don’t matter to me in the slightest. I’ve admired women of just about every race, ethnicity, hair color, etc. Some women look good thin. Some look good thick. Short girls can be super cute and tall girls gorgeous and model-like.

    The only thing im maybe a little picky about is age, but even then im far from the worst! I just want someone younger than me. Whether that’s a week younger or 10 years younger doesn’t matter(so long as she’s legal!) But even that I could probably have my mind changed on if I met the right woman and she seemed otherwise perfect.

    Also im a little picky in that I wouldn’t go for someone over 220 lbs but that’s mostly a different lifestyles thing. Im 130 lbs and quite active so I don’t feel compatible with someone who can just let themselves go with food like that.

    The most important thing for me in discerning whether im attracted to someone or not is if they have a cute face. Most physical/body things are easy to overlook for me if she had a cute face and great personality. Otherwise I don’t care if she has a pooch or stretch marks or is even disabled.

  16. I don’t mean to belittle your concerns, but I can only think of the beautiful, inside and out, first and second generation immigrant girls from India in my school. If you are not ginormous or something, you are definitely on the boys radar. If you are self conscious about your glasses, try contacts, or Lasix. Personally I find the right glasses awesome, and I’m not alone.

  17. Glasses are not a negative. There are things you can do to maximize your attractiveness. Being fit is a huge start. When you get out of High School, being mature will be an attractive feature. Kindness is attractive. Most men like long, dark hair, which you are probably capable of doing.

    You’re going to be fine. Have good values, find a man who will love and appreciate you, then love and appreciate him. Make good choices.

  18. Not very. As long as she looked like she knew how to take care of herself, I’d be initially attracted. I only really judge based on personality.

  19. Give me a woman that isn’t on the extreme end of any spectrum (thin vs fat etc) that has a good personality and I’m set. I’m not exactly the hottest shit in town so looks really don’t matter to me that much, just look clean and presentable and not like a trailer park 50yo methhead

  20. I’m picky as hell but it ain’t all about looks. Equally picky about personality

    The way I see it, we all like something different. We all have our own preferences. There’s someone out there that would prefer you over the ones you’re insecure about and there’s ones that would prefer them

  21. Not so much when it comes to looks. But I’m *very* picky when it comes to character traits.

  22. Looks? Just be heathy and anything else I don’t care.

    Who she is as a human being? Extremely and very picky.

  23. Not very tbh. At least I’m not. I have preferences obviously. But I’m definitely not picky.

  24. I have two things.No single moms or morbid obesity.Other than that if they’re intresred. I’m always down to give it a chance and grab a cup of coffe.

  25. If we don’t find you attractive, we aren’t going to want to date you. However, that doesn’t mean you have to be drop dead gorgeous. We only have to find you “kinda cute.” That’s it. That’s the bar you’re shooting for in the looks department.

    Beyond that, the pickiest of us will want to be with someone that we have at least some things in common with. The least picky of us doesn’t care as long as you’re female.

    So, basically, we have a lot lower standards than you girls do. If you get along with him, you probably have a shot.

  26. I’m not very picky. To be honest, I’m a hole and a heartbeat kinda guy.

    No heartbeat? Just be warm and moist.

    Not warm and moist? Gimme some lotion and a few of those hand warmer packets and I’m good.

  27. I just want someone I’m attracted to who shares my values.

    The issue is that I’m only attracted to attractive females, and that apparantly makes me picky.

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