A little bit about me and my situation:
I am a m21. I just got out of a really bad breakup and my and and I shared the same friends group however, they all went to her and I’m on my own. I legit have zero friends and now I’m on Reddit asking for help. I have a part time job but it’s hard to make friends there. Is there anything I can do or try to make friends ?

  1. 1. Join social groups in your area in person AND online through various apps.

    2. CREATE a social group online yourself (that’s what I did).

    3. Do activities outside, and find the courage to talk to people. Talk small talk. What’s the most immediate commonality you two have, doing in same area, etc.

    4. Do all the general social activities you’d do outside, but alone since you have no one. I do nature walks and swimming. Eventually you’ll make a friend. Keep at it everyday, you’ll likely make a friend within 2 weeks with day to day effort.

    I suggest really focusing on irl activities, moreso than online meetups.

    Also, Focus on quantity. Singers make 100 songs before putting out 1-10 decent songs and a few good songs. Making friends is similar. Meet many people, you will find a friend but it takes many many people first. Hopefully this will lessen the stress of a failed attempt at friendship.

    And don’t make friendships for the sake of it, make friendships for what value they seem to bring. If there’s no value. There’s no friendship. And if bad friend, get rid of them and look for new amazing person.

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