Men who completely let themselves go. What happened/why?

  1. i lost my job, lost my girl and i didnt care about myself enough at the time. went from 80kg to 106kg in the space of 2 years. im now dieting and have since lost 8kg in 1.5 months. my head is in a much better place and my health is getting better everyday.

  2. I don’t know. It’s just easier for me cuz I suck at everything.

  3. Pulling myself back up from that, felt like maintaining myself was pointless and I will just kill myself anyway so why bother?

  4. Life just fell apart. The chance with the girl I loved I messed up on & things just got worse and worse since then. Got myself into a lot of trouble & I just feel I’ve got so little or no motivation for life anymore.

    Went from 11.5 stone of pure muscle to 14.5 stone

  5. Back in late 2014 i had trouble with a girl, trouble learning for my license. Couldn’t get a job, and my life just seemed to spiral out of control.

    I went from being 200 lbs to being 350 lbs in 8 years. Luckily I found motivation again to pick things up and I’m now slowly recovering

  6. Lots of things, I was never really together, but I let things get a lot worse a few years ago. Depression, binge drinking, and a decent amount of laziness led me to a filthy bedroom and failing my study abroad.

    I’m back in school now and my GPA isn’t too bad (3.2 i think?), I’m trying to lose weight and stop hanging out with people who treat me like shit. I’m not where I want to be but I’m getting better.

  7. Injured my back last December and lost my job. It had been the only thing regulating my mental health over the past two years. Having a real hard time getting back to who I was.

  8. not sure why this thread is down voted but im finding a lot of the stories to be very interesting and i thank all the posters for sharing. its interesting how many downward slides seem to be precipitated by either a woman and/or job loss

  9. Lost my job, gym, family and friends to a tyrannical government in lockdown.

    6-10k kcal of chocolate/crisps per day and gained 12.5 stone.

  10. Depression, medication, slothfulness, excessive calorie intake, apathy. Couldn’t make myself care.

  11. A separation, a layoff, and a very bad back injury inside the same month. I sat around and ate what I want and drank whenever / whatever I want. It shouldn’t have lasted but a weird string of luck with dating/hooking up with girls, seemingly stumbling into good positions work-wise that I was excelling at and getting paid more. So nothing improved with me because I felt like it didn’t need to. Gained weight and drank and still got laid and paid pretty well. I just let it ride until health problems showed up, I was getting older, and it was time to change.

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