First af all, sorry for my English but it’s not my native language. Last night, the boy I’m dating, saw me for the first time completely naked. He’s a boob man and loves big boobs, and boobs are exactly what I don’t have! I have AA/A bra and inverted nipples… they’ve always been my biggest insecurity. Last night, when he putted my bra off, made a laugh, and touched them. He always make compliments about my big butt, but said nothing about my breast. He also said that he loves my personality, my butt and my eyes, never mentioned my breast obviously. He keeps texting me like the other days, but he’s reaction was heart breaking. What should I do? Maybe I’m exaggerating

  1. You never see him again.

    Anyone that laughs at your body, especially when you’re naked and vulnerable, is a giant asshole that needs to be removed from your life.

  2. Could be you misinterpreted beeing happy with laughing about it? Because whenever i see boobs i smile like a child seeing ice cream

  3. I am sorry for his reaction. He is an idiot. If you do see him again I would tell him that his reaction hurt you. He better have a good apology and positive comments after that.

  4. Actually you should discuss with him about that. Maybe he didn’t think it would be something that will make you feel bad. The key for any relation is the communication

  5. I think you should talk to him about how his reaction hurt you. It’s probably the case that he wasn’t the biggest fan of your boobs so didn’t wanna lie about it, but didn’t in no way want to hurt you. His smile/giggle could be him enjoying seeing you naked for the first time.

  6. I don’t know how long you hav even dating but if this is someone you really like and would like the relationship to work out and you know he wants the same thing, you should talk to him. Ask him about why he had that reaction. If he tells you it was because he was laughing at you then do not continue dating him. Find someone who appreciates and adores you.

  7. So I’ll be honest here I did read a few comments or replies you left and I don’t think you or him are in the wrong or did anything remotely wrong.
    I think all men like boobs and butts sometimes we just have a bit of a preference towards one or the other.
    Anyways to address his reaction, that smile/smirk. He was happy and loved to see your breast.
    When I was first and even still now , when I see the girls breast I’m always amazed. My first time seeing my first GF breast was saying “wow” and she got insecure about it.
    Reason for me saying wow was because they looked different from what I imagined. Still beautiful, to be honest more beautiful then what I had imagined. It just amazed me. Anyways , i incline towards breast a bit more and I’ve seen a good range of breast nipples and I’m gonna say I’ve never stopped being amazed or fascinated seeing them the first second or anytime.
    I thoroughly enjoy seeing them come out no matter if they are small med or large.
    Be confident in yourself.

  8. He is a jerk. There are whole forums dedicated to small breasts. My gf has small a breasts and I love them.

  9. Some people laugh when they are nervous or excited. I do it sometimes myself. Could it have been that?

  10. Sounds a lot like insecurity getting in the way of a good time to me. Ask him about it. We can’t do anything but speculate here.

  11. I don’t mean to sound horrible but if your small boobs are that much of an insecurity, maybe consider a boob job? Just for your own well being and feeling good, not for a man. If he really did laugh then you should tell him that he’s a horrible man and not bother with him again. But seriously, if its making you that self conscious. I’d consider surgery, good luck!

  12. he could of been laughing at how lucky he is to play with your boobs. I wouldn’t necessarily interpret it as a negative. Just ask him about it.

  13. Get over it. Nobody is the 100% physical perfection. Even in absence of giant knockers, you still have the personality, but, and eyes. Find out what else he likes – you got curves or legs? Focus on what you like about yourself actually, and good men will also like those things.

  14. sorry you had to endure this, coming from a boob lover. I love boobs. big ones, small ones, lop sided ones, innies, outies… again, im sorry he was insensitive

  15. Nervous laughter most likely

    I’ve had people laugh when I walked out dressed in lingerie looking fierce. I laugh too and then we get busy

  16. Probably in his head he was like so this what I have been chasing for days and it’s finally here or it beat his imagination. I sometimes do this and never thought it would make you feel insecure. Thank you for redirecting my focus..

  17. I can easily see why that would feel very hurtful. Have you had a chance to talk with him about it? It’s possible he didn’t mean it the way it came across.

    Either way I’m sure he’d want to know that it didn’t make you feel good so he can express himself differently in the future.

  18. Sometimes for me excitement gets expressed outwardly as a giggle. Example: when first dating my now wife wanted to surprise me with a sexy outfit. I was waiting for her in bed while she got ready in the bathroom. When she emerged in a tiny plaid skirt, thigh high stockings and a tiny top my immediate unconscious reaction was a giggle. I immediately explained that I’m excited but damage was already done.

  19. It’s possible he just had a moment of surprise and enlightenment as he realized he likes A/AA boobs more than he ever imagined.

    You’re likely your own worst critic, try to go easy on yourself. I’m sure they’re fantastic.

  20. All boobs are good boobs. I’ve never been disappointed when taking a bra off or being shown breasts. I’m honored to have them shared with me.

  21. I would take a great girl with a great ass and small tits any day of the week ❤️

  22. Hey OP something to consider is that he may believe he is being sensitive here. Let me explain:

    I have a preference for small chests myself. However, having dated a few women like that, and being someone who learns primarily by stick than by carrot, I’ve come to learn that a not insignificant proportion of those women super don’t appreciate “wow, amazing, i love small breasts”.

    In my experience, the safest option to go with when dealing with a brand new naked person is usually a nonverbal appreciation of some kind. A smile, touch, attention to the area. Helps build comfort and rapport so it’s easier to put words to insecurities (or desires) later on IMO!

  23. Breast of that size and style are hot af, dont beat yourself up. If you judge a fish for its ability to climb a tree it’ll fail. Just have to have the right mindset.

  24. Hey guys, thank you for all your support! I really didn’t expect It. I have some news. I’ve just spoken with him, he said that he smiled because he didn’t expect they were so small but that they’re cute and that they are not a turn off for him, that he’s fine with my body, boobs included. I don’t know how to feel right now. I told him that maybe It’s better to break up, but he insisted that this is not a problem and that he really wants to know me to create something important… I don’t know what to do

  25. What’s the right reaction here? If he’d complimented your chest you’d probably assume he was lying.

    This is more about you being self conscious than him responding poorly.

    He likes your body, he likes who you are and he likes having sex with you. You don’t have boobs and he doesn’t bring it up so you don’t worry about it.

  26. Could have been delighted laughter but I understand you feeling vulnerable in that moment.

  27. Unless you stuffed your bra, he already knew you didn’t have big boobs before you ever got naked. You don’t need to be insecure about whether he’s attracted to you; your cup size is not a secret, and he likes you anyway.

    Now, did he laugh because he thought your boobs look silly? Or rather, did he laugh because he thought they were fun and delightful? Hard to know _without asking him._

    Maybe they weren’t exactly what he expected, and he was a little surprised by the details, because everyone’s different. Inverted nipples aren’t common, maybe 10-20% of women have them, so maybe he’d never seen them in person before. Regardless, he’s still pursuing you even after seeing you naked, so don’t worry about it!

    Here’s the truth about boobs – a guy can be a “boob man” because he loves ***lots of kinds of boobs***, not just big ones. The _size_ isn’t what makes boobs attractive or unattractive, unless a guy has a specific fetish for big or small.

  28. Not to insult OP but…is it just me or is this sub flooded with stuff that should be in relationship advice rather than sex? SO MUCH of it is a variation of ‘I have a massive insecurity and person I’m dating isn’t aware of it and didn’t react the way that I need them to, what do?’ or ‘Partner just threw me off a building in middle or right after sex. What should I do?’

    Every answer is always ‘you should probably tell your partner this’ or ‘sounds like an asshole, maybe you should leave’. When you’re getting beaten with jumper cables by your jerkoff partner but you happened to have sex within a couple hours of it happening, is it really a sex topic, or are you just dating an asshole and don’t know how to deal with it?

    Sorry for the rant and getting off topic, but I feel like this sub has really gone downhill in the last year or so. Used to be some interesting questions about sexuality and coming to grips with your own or someone else’s or navigating it that would get upvoted; now it’s *flooded* with a bunch of teens and early 20 somethings asking questions that have more to do with general insecurity or not know how to deal with assholes rather than their *actual* sexuality.

    This sub is having a real identity crisis, and I feel sorry for the mods who have to wade through the legion of creeps, attention seekers, and spammers to maintain some semblance of what this sub was originally about.

  29. possibly a misinterpretation of a happy smile, if I see boobs, just know imma be smilling

  30. Your body type is literally my dream girl, a big butt with small boobs. I’m sure that his “laugh” was more so just him being giddy with excitement about getting you naked for the first time.

  31. I’m pleasantly surprised to see some levelheaded people here not a bunch of comments from people yelling to break up immediately.

  32. Regardless of the outcome of the coming conversation with him, keep in mind that your own self worth is not dictated by how other people feel about you. They are your breasts and are deserving of love and respect regardless of their size or your partners preferences.

  33. My wife laughed when she saw me using a thong… now is part of our life… smile or laugh, I believe it wasn’t to hurt you…? People who say it was, don’t know you or your boyfriend, and many of them are just insecure and unhappy people🙃🙃 just be happy and if he loves you, doesn’t matter the size of your boobs🙃

  34. Ask him, most probably he was happy about seeing boobies. Boobies are boobies no matter what size, it’s just boobies, so maybe he got happy about seeing your boobies. If he didn’t like your boobies, then he doesn’t really likes any boobies, cause boobies are boobies no matter what

  35. Do nothing. He likes everything but your breast, yiu can’t force him to like them and if he is speechless well it is what it is. Don’t think about it too much and basically you decide if you want to continue w him. You are not always gonna like something about yiur partner could b his feet,or breath etc.

  36. He’s complimented your best asset and he’s ok with the package you have presented. If he treats you like a side piece then sexually you’re not attractive. If he still treats you well he has overlooked what you think is his fetish and accepts you, as you should as well. Yes you are still amazing. Don’t put so much into breast, until he gives you less appreciation for you as a person. Your body type is not why we stick around it’s how we love what’s inside. And I’ve walked away from plenty insecure women. Thinking I’ll leave them for something better or BIGGER (booty, boobs or whatever)

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