Personally I have three. 1) Living on a ranch 2) Being a S.E.R.E Specialist in the A.F and 3) singing. Two of those I can’t chase because of family issues and the other one is because I can’t sing well.

  1. Immigrate to a developed country and have a normal life.I have too much anxiety and low skills and I’m too old

  2. I’m kinda already doing my dream career in software development, in FinTech, though I’d rather be working for a smaller company doing something a bit more exciting.

    Lifestyle-wise, I’d like to live in a large, modern house with a nice sized garden so I could entertain, have guests stay over with enough room for a home office, home gym etc.

  3. I wanted to be a biologist.

    Life happened, and I ended up in IT instead.

    Now I am not that much interested in biology anymore.

  4. Making my own video games, either as a one-man show or being part of a team. What stops me is poverty.

  5. I want to homestead. I am chasing it.

    You are a fool or poorly aimed to not chase the things in life that will bring you happiness and satisfaction.

  6. I just want to travel. I’d do any job if it involved traveling. I mean any job. Any job.

    Edit: what’s stopping me is my lack of connections and funds.

  7. * Housing: alternating between a flat in the city, moderately close to the centre but not too much so, in the colder half of the year, and a cottage in the mountains in the hotter.
    * Career: Independent novelist, 3D artist and streamer, via the Internet. I’d also be open for interesting cooperative projects.
    * Why I’m not chasing it: I just don’t have the work ethic and no practical way to access the funds I’d need to even set this up.

  8. Had an opportunity a few years back to move to India and join my friend in his amazing work to reform Indian public schools. Decided to put it on hold to move back in with my mom and help her recover from a traumatic accident. Then, we she was in a better place, and I was gearing up to leave, the pandemic hit.

  9. I want to get a career in radio mainly behind the scenes since my voice is weird. The thing that’s stopping me is the fact that there are so many people way more qualified than I am.

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