I arrived at JFK airport. (In my country we only name airports for successful leaders who accomplished much.) Also, why is it in a place called Queens when you have no queen? Are you confused about your government system? In MyCountry we are told how best governments work and how we should help americans learn about theirs.

I needed to rent a car for my weekend getaway to New Orleans.

I took a “free” shuttle from the airport in an attempt to rent an automobile. The driver had a bucket for tips and would not let me exit until I had paid him $20. Demanded to see my passport. Once done with that ordeal, I asked him to take me to the place listed as “Dollar Car Rental.” This was a lie. They expected me to pay $89.99 a day plus something called “sales tax” even though I bought nothing? I was expected to know how to do basic math. Such service was horrid.

In MyCountry false advertising is a crime. Why do you allow such dishonest business practices.

  1. >Why do you allow such dishonest business practices.

    In America, we end our questions with question marks. Why is education so bad in your country?

  2. It’s probably because Americans do not rent cars. We have so many vehicles that we just walk to the airport parking lot and take a pickup truck. No need for keys, we leave them idling because we love to use oil. When you get to your destination, drive it drunk into a wall and pick up another when it’s time to leave.

    Car rental places are traps to catch foreigners and allow us to track their movements.

  3. Happy April Fool’s Day to ya OP. You had me for a couple of sentences. “Queens” was a bridge too far – everybody on planet Earth has seen Coming to America!

  4. I know it’s confusing, but I think the reason you had so many problems is you likely weren’t being very polite. See, in America, we have a pretty universal custom here where during any kind of business transaction, the “customer” is supposed to bend over and offer the merchant a chance to slap them on the bum. Not observing this most common courtesy when conducting a transaction is a big cultural faux pas.

    All Americans know this. I’m sorry if you weren’t privy to that very specific and important cultural norm in America, but really you probably should have done your research ahead of time.

  5. If you didn’t clap when your plane landed or tip the pilot at least 20% of your ticket price—both of which are customary in America—you invite bad luck. New Orleans is a good weekend trip but if you get on the road early, LA is just a few provinces to the west.

  6. I just want to know how that rent a car thing from JFK to NOLA is working out. Gonna get there in just a few minutes, yes??😂

  7. Common misconception. Queens is actually named after the great Steve McQueen. The Mc was dropped in the late seventies during the anti-Scottish pogroms.

  8. If you were in the Denver Airport then you could have taken the subterranean bullet train to New Orleans. A first class seat costs a single wheat penny. However, you need an American passport to use it.

    A MyCountry passport would surely result in you being carted away….used later as a sacrifice to the patron saint of the airport, Blucifer

  9. In MyCountry we only name vegetables for types of growths. Like how best works and you shoudl learn about yours.

    I need to rent a donkey for my weekly getaway from prison. Donkey only 1 pfennig but this lie! inMyCountry i am algebra. Such horrid.

  10. When i once rented a car in amerika they told me NEVER get off the highway at any exit named MLK Blvd.

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