My boyfriend and I have been together 3.5 years and have been through some HORRIBLE things. We both made the choice to stay and that we loved each other despite everything- and that was about a year ago. We live(d) together, and overall have more good than anything. The year anniversary of some bad has come up- and it’s caused him to have mental breaks, move out stuff, and horrible fights that this past week led to him leaving. It takes two to fight and I definitely played a big part in the last one because all of the emotions building up and not knowing how to make things better during this hard time. He stayed twice since, and even was intimate with me after the worst fight and telling me we were over… and then just changed it to needing a few days. He said he needed some time and space after we hit a peak of a rough time and self reflection was needed— but still texts me what he’s doing, asks what I’m doing, tells me he loves me and isn’t happy with the situation. I want him and our life back. His last text was telling me he loves me but this last week was so rough and hit a place where “we needed to separate for a minute” but he will call/text me when he’s back from a busy weekend and he wants me to have a good weekend as well. He ended it with telling me “I love you.” Please help me. Advice. Have you ever had a similar experience?

Tl-dr: boyfriend of almost four years moved out and wants space after arguments got bad/ but still says he loves me and texts me. Can we make it?

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