So im not sure why it’s been on my mind so much, but I became friends with this girl, she is amazing, we click so well, we both clearly like eachother so we flirt a lot and enjoy eachothers company and hanging out overall it can’t get much better. I travel a lot for work constantly so I just dont feel like I can get into any kind of committed relationship right AND WE BOTH UNDERSTAND THIS now but me and this girl really like eachother and can be a little handsy at times and have even talked about how we want eachother.

We have both accepted the terms that right now we are just friends with where we both are in life, but for some reason I can’t break the thought I want to have a FWB situation (and here comes the weird part) but I really just want to orally pleasure her whenever she wants, I dont even want anything reciprocated, her companionship and her allowing me to fulfill my kink would he enough for me. (More weirdness) I also say this because I am wanting to save actual penetrative sex or oral done to me for marriage with someone im committed to for life, but just the thought of having our good friendship and doing this to her turns me on so much.

In reddits opinion is this weird? Or do you think this would even sound like an attractive offer to a woman or does it comes off and weird, selfish, or hypocritical that I want to “save myself for marriage” but im willing to pleasure her kinda like I want my cake and I want to eat it too…no pun intended lol Some advice would be greatly appreciated thank you.

  1. You were doing fine about just giving oral, but then your “more weirdness” I suspect is going to be a turn off. That’s just my take. But it doesn’t sound positive to me. Just trying to be honest with you.

  2. It is a bit weird, yes. I don’t mean that in a negative way, I like weird.

    Who knows what she thinks though … Everybody is different and you could get an offended reaction just like you could get an enthusiastic yes.

    She could think it’s a great deal in that she gets “serviced” and doesn’t have to do any “work” herself, and she may find saving yourself for marriage that way cute.

    She could also take it as “WTF, why don’t you want to fuck me?!” and think you’re being a hypocritical prude who just wants his kink satisfied.

    Can’t know until you ask her.

  3. you can ask her if she’s willing to do sexual thing but not penetration. if she’s not a virgin she probably will say no. cos penetration is important for women who has done it before. if she’s virgin she might be open to that. also probably let her done oral to you. just limit it to PIV sex

    i save myself for marriage and i did oral (giving/receiving) and the girl I’ve been with usually do clit rubbing on my dick. but most of it was bf gf relationship.

  4. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

    Just be prepared for the conversation and make it clear it is a you thing and not a them thing in terms of why.

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