Why dont you guys legalise prostitution ?

  1. Believe us, we’d love that, but our government sucks so much ass, it refuses to listen to us.

    Not to mention the religious lunatics that are already waging war against right to not be pregnant.

  2. I don’t think that’s even in the list of top 100 concerns for most people.

  3. Brugh, our vice president dosen’t even say the word abortion and our president is old enough to be considered geriatric. I don’t this we will be getting ass for cash anytime soon.

  4. The US is currently losing it’s fight to keep the rights and freedoms we already have. Not sure when we will get the time to try and expand our freedoms farther.

  5. Because nobody thought to slip that in to one of the 2 or 3 8,000 page bills they pass per year

  6. It’s just a culture thing and it’s not like the whole world has prostitution legalized except America lol

  7. It’s not anywhere near a priority, and isn’t illegal at the federal level, it is legal in certain countries ties of Nevada for instance.

  8. It would require 50 different states to legalize it.

    It’s morally opposed by many people.

    It isn’t exactly a priority.

  9. Associated crimes: Human trafficking, drugs, etc. also, I would have no motivation to de-criminalize it. I do not consider anyone doing anything involved with that business to be doing something good or beneficial for society.

  10. Politicians prefer child labor in that industry which most Americans disagree with.

  11. Because it’s not a high priority and the justification is cracking down on prostition helps fight human trafficking…which is a valid point

  12. Oh honey, now ain’t the time. We have enough on our plate, and asking this specific question at this specific time and the way you worded it is gonna irritate and frustrate people.

  13. Let’s say it _did_ go up for a vote. 1) “You guys” doesn’t apply, because there are 50 different “you guys” –.prostitution would need to be legalized and regulated state by state and then likely town by town within those states. 2) We’re puritanical from two different directions…conservatives would think it’s a sin and a large number of liberals would think it’s inherently exploitative, that there can’t possibly be a positive way to put a price on your body. There would be plenty of people who would indeed see it as everything from personal agency to a right to enter contracts, but not nearly enough to legalize it on any kind of scale. Even Nevada’s regime is more limited than people tend to think.

  14. I dunno but it’s un *fucking* acceptable!

    Like don’t these people understand that ~~some of us are horny af and and just wanna…~~ women should be allowed to do whatever they want with their own bodies? ..Geez ffs man

    **I think prostitution should be legalized asap!**

  15. I don’t see a majority of people agreeing on that. People on the right because some would see it as immoral or sinful, and people on the left because some would see it as exploitation or increase trafficking/abuse.

    Either way I can’t see a politician running on making prostitution legal or really pushing for it. I could see people making sideye or jokes about that.

  16. Sounds like a bad idea considering many states are banning abortion with eyes on contraception. If not for that, it’s extremely low on the priority list and what politician wants to tie their legacy to it? Why isn’t it legal in other countries?

  17. > i dont understand why guys should vote for smth like the alt right,trumps exetera when all they want is just pussy.

    my eyes can’t roll farther back in my head.

    Prostitution is illegal in Albania too. Why don’t you guys legalize it?

  18. Its not really something we support generally, and the topic is pretty niche given the current items on the priority of political battles list.

  19. Conspiracy theory time: because high up people wouldn’t get as much money in bribes for trafficking.

  20. I think alot of peoples arguments for it is that is encourages sex trafficking. I think it would have the opposite effect. If it was regulated each place had everyone tested and a safe place to do it, it would make it much safer. There will still be some sex trafficking but it would be alot less than it is now.

  21. … only fans is here.
    so are tons of porn studios.

    You could argue that prostitution is actually legal here, you just have to film it.

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