Do you consider playing an instrument to be an attractive quality? If so, why?

  1. I play guitar and piano and can sing so I find other people who can play music to be more relatable for me I guess but not necessary

  2. I consider it a cool thing to be able to do, but not really attractive. It can help make someone into a more intriguing personality, and through that sense more attractive.

  3. I’ve dated many ladies who played the skin flute which was highly attractive to me.

  4. Heck to the fuck yeah.

    Music is one of the main pillars in my life. An appreciation of music is attractive to me, being actively involved with music or in the music scene at all is attractive +10, and having someone to jam with as a hobby makes for infinitely better weeknights hangin’ out doing nothing than watching TV or something.

  5. Yes. It’s a talent and talents are hot. Women who can sing and play an instrument are especially hot.

  6. A woman’s hobbies have zero impact on my desire to date/smash her. It’s cool that she can play a instrument, but I’m more focused on her beauty and personality.

  7. Not really. Im indifferent. I already play professionally, so it would be nice to have a break when im with someone, but i can see jamming together as being nice too. Id much rather just find a quality human thats not crazy ….

  8. Yes, I think developing a skill like that indicates that person has some positive/motivated personality traits. Plus i think it would be attractive to be able to rock out with my girl.

  9. I’m a classical musician and I produce bass trap. I love singing and I’m learning guitar. Studying music business. I’d love to date a musician but having good music taste goes far with me. I just feel musical inclination is a step ahead of other girls. At my age, nowadays it’s TikTok, partying and clubbing. I’m not focused on any of that. I like the arts and other unique hobbies, it sets you apart from other women. It just does.

  10. To me I can take it or leave it. If they do it professionally that is pretty cool. If they do it for a hobby also cool. I guess I am just ok with it as long as they enjoy it.

  11. Yes it tells me what you are into and your interests. And it shows that you can be creative

  12. No, I’ve only seen friends learn to play instruments with hopes of getting attention from girls.

  13. Yes but any form of discipline that can be maintained is an attractive quality, much less music. Now if find meself taking a walk and some girl is jamming on a guitar, goat dam

  14. It absolutely is. For sure it is.

    But I can’t play for crap lol.

    But it’s ok. Because you can attract in other ways. But playing an instrument is attractive

  15. Most of the time. Carrying your guitar everywhere and pulling it out at a party to play “wonderwall” again? Naw son, learn something new

  16. Me and my wife both play piano fairly well, so it’s a lot of fun when we’re both in the mood and play duets together or just jam. It definitely helped break the ice early on in our relationship, and totally got me laid. I see it as a depth of intelligence and character when someone can play an instrument well because I know how much work it takes to learn.

  17. Yes, it’s another difficult skill that they have mastered. Preferably the piano.

  18. For me it’s more the concept they have a hobby they love that is attractive than the musical part

  19. I play different instruments myself so when I find a girl who can play any instrument, it’s a huge turn on. The best is if she can sing

  20. To be if a girl can play piano i’ll be like …. melting. Especially if she has dark long wavy hair.

  21. I guess so? I’m a musician but I’ve never dated a musician before.

    That being said, at several churches I used to play in when I was younger, older women would give me the “If I were forty years younger” spiel too often…it was creepy.

  22. Resisting the obvious “tulips on my organ” joke.

    An understanding of music is a quality that resonates deep.

    I can’t think of any reason to justify that to someone that needed to ask the question.

  23. It depends on what they play and their voice. I enjoy technical dancers more than technical musicians. I like girls who play from the soul. I write music, sing, and play a little guitar and piano. I can even keep basic drum beats, but what I enjoy most is channeling my feelings through it. If she doesn’t do that, then it feels robotic IMO.

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