My fellow American’s: when was the last time you seen a $2 bill?

  1. I have a few, so fairly often, but I cannot remember the last time I saw one in the wild.

  2. A couple of years ago. My girlfriend’s dad likes to hand them out as tips.

  3. I have two of them. Had them for years. Don’t remember where they came from.

    When’s the last time anyone saw one of our coin dollars or a 50 cent piece?

  4. Many years ago my younger sister went to a cheap store that had a massive going out of business sale going on. She tried to pay for something with a two dollar bill and the cashiers held her up for ten minutes trying to figure out if it was counterfeit or not -_-

  5. Last Passover seder. I think April or something? My dad gives them out to everyone 😛

  6. A couple years ago. My buddy asked for them specifically and our local bank obliged

  7. I think we have a couple around the house somewhere. They’re uncommon in normal circulation but easy to find if you want one.

  8. A few months ago when I was packing for a move and found one in a dresser drawer.

  9. In the wild? Maybe like 10 years ago. I have one in my room that I refuse to spend because it’s so rare so technically the answer to this question is this morning.

  10. a few weeks ago when I turned in cans. They always give you at least one 2 dollar bill.

  11. A couple weeks ago. A taco place had a bunch tacked up on their wall.

    I have one or two, but it’s tucked away and I only see it if I look for it.

  12. Maybe three/four years ago.

    For most of my life, they were uncommon enough that people had superstitions about them.

  13. I got them for my friend’s christmas present. I keep one in my desk.

    The banks usually keep a few on hand just incase someone wants to gift them.

    But they almost never actually get used.

  14. I’ve got a dozen or so, along with a couple of Morgan and Eisenhower and Anthony dollars. The last time I know for sure I saw them was when I got some out to give to young cousins at a wedding a year ago, but I may have had them out at some point since.

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