Men did your father hit your mother, how did it impact how you view women?

  1. It was actually the opposite. No one was hitting, but my mom was a bully to my dad, sister and I. It made me wary of women for a long while. Just recently started getting over it.

  2. That would be very non-characteristic for my Dad but my Mom’s ex-boyfriend did. It hasn’t changed anything.

  3. Had a step dad who hit her sometimes.. Only think it had an impact on how I view guys like him, that’s it

  4. No… tbh I think if he ever tried, my mom would have beat the shit out of him.

  5. The only time my dad ever hit my mother, was after my mother first tried to kick and punch him repeatedly and wouldnt calm down so he had to physically restrain her to stop getting used as a human punching bag by the woman half his size having a meltdown because it was apparently his fault he caught her cheating. Even tho he was trying to forgive her and move past it.

    So she responded to being physically held still by biting his hand to the point of drawing blood, at which point he recoiled and smacked her in the face just hard enough to cause a bruise. To which she smiled and responded ‘youre fucked now’ and took the house and three kids in divorce under a false pretext of domestic abuse at a court date she sent us away for so we couldnt speak at to contradict her, so it was big scary man’s word against tiny female’s word.

    It definitely gave me some fears of commitment and marriage with how easily you can be completely screwed over out of everything you own and all the money youll make for the next decade. Did it make me dislike women specifically? No. But i realized if anyone ever decides they dont like you anymore, himan nature means they might so something drastic to keep shit they dont want to divide fairly.

  6. Mine didn’t but if he did it would have impacted how I viewed him, not her.

  7. Not that I saw. He treated her bad thoght. But he has had little to no inpact on my life. But maybe indirectly, he has. My mother was a very strong lady and when he left us, she made a very good life for herself. And even though there was another husband who also treated her bad, she kicked him out and kept on living. Maybe that I seen her handle scumbags growing up I respect women more than I otherwise would have. And I am more attracted to women who know how to take care of themselfs (yeah, shut up Freud…)

  8. My father did hit my mom a few times, he spanked my brother and sisters throughout our childhood. When I went to college and was in a relationship, I slapped my GF when she pissed me off… She did not like that, freaked out on me and threatened to cut my dick off of I did that again. Haven’t laid a hand on a woman since then.

  9. Never. I was kicked in the head at a martial arts school for not training my fellow students by actually striking girls. Master Kim had me spar with a far better trained female student and she ended it with a TKO. lesson learned, I suck at Tae Kwon Do. Jujitsu was better. Still never hit a girl in anything but fun.

  10. Outside of poking her to annoy her or get her attention, I don’t remember a time where he put hands on her unless it was romantic. So it makes me want to find a woman who I want to annoy and affectionate.

  11. Never. My old man said that only the absolute scum of the earth would do that. He learned that from his dad, and my grandad learned that because his dad beat my great grandmother. You’d have to be a pretty big piece of shit to ever raise a hand to a woman, unless it was a life or death situation.

  12. They fought alot, got a divorce when I was 13 or so.. but it never got physical. It did change my view on marriage though. For me, now, it’s weird to realise marriage is supposed to be forever

  13. My only memory was my mother hitting my father once with a metal spatula. Left a gash.She was left un touched but the entire kitchen was in the living room and in pieces in 3.5 seconds.

  14. Never seen it though i have seen them argue… Mom was a fighter to, so yeah… i am sure had i been old enough i could see a good fight.

  15. Not my father, but i’ve seen my mom get hit by some of her shitty boyfriends.

    It showed me early on that some women will just only date assholes who end up being abusive all the while bitching about how men are terrible.

    It does help me recognise the kind of women i want to stay away from a lot easier now in my adult life.

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